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  1. W

    few questions

    ahh ok.. yea like i said these are bag so i have no clue...tho the stufff was purple and this.. well isnt.
  2. W

    few questions

    a what? haha... not sure what you mean. one is like a big round ball ... its very very odd..but i cant really see any sugar on them...shouldnt there be some by now?
  3. W

    few questions

    is 60x good?
  4. W

    few questions

    yea i have one on the way.
  5. W

    few questions

    The Recipe for Success Starter Kit contains pints of B.C Bloom, B.C Boost, B.C Grow, 250ml bottles of Root 66, Sugar Daddy, 100 ml bottles of Thrive Alive B-1 Red, Thrive Alive B-1 Green, Awesome Blossoms, Magical, a small Rootech Cloning Gel, and the famous recipe for Success mixing chart...
  6. W

    few questions

    worse then i thought ?
  7. W

    few questions

    Technaflora Recipe for Success Starter Kit. just grabbed that for this grow.
  8. W

    few questions

    so i have 6 plants from bag beans that i decided to do a test grow with my new set up. how do they look? do you think they will bulk up a bit more? how much longer do you think they have. im running a 400watt hps along with a 150 watt hps in a tent.this grow is pretty much a trial and error grow...
  9. W

    add more light?

    k thanks. shouldnt be a problem. edit. i shut the 2nd light off for now, its going to start being in the 30s and 40s really soon. i figure that will help. its been high 50s-60s the last few days so imma wait it out.
  10. W

    add more light?

    ok i just checked after having the new light it and the high was 83 is that to high? i only had the fan on med so im thinking opening a window and putting the fan on high will do the trick if need be. is 83 to high? also thanks for the all the compliments and help.
  11. W

    add more light?

    they are a bit airy but i figured that was cause they were only 3 weeks in. the temp has never gotten over 80 in the tent. its always in the mid 70's. :-?
  12. W

    add more light?

    i have a fan plus i have a airfliter + fan and ducting set up so that should keep the heat at bay right? plus its fall so temps get 50 and below during days. as far as what to grow next i am not sure. what would you suggest? nothing crazy hard but with a nice yeild for what im running.
  13. W

    add more light?

    thanks!.. i have grown with cfls once or twice in a closet but this is my 1st time using hps and the grow tent. this grow i just used some bag seeds so i could get used to everything before i use the good beans.
  14. W

    add more light?

    so i have a 400 watt hps in a grow tent with 5 plants. i also have a 150 watt hps would adding that do much more? here they are as of yesterday. not close ups but you should get the point. only 3 weeks old from showing sex. so im guessing a good at least 6 weeks to go.
  15. W

    is this a hermi?

    cant help but feel a bit confused about that pic,,,
  16. W

    is this a hermi?

  17. W

    is this a hermi?

    here is the plant 11 days later. i dont think its hermi....but it is very very odd. leaf coloring is caused by the light they are not that yellowish color. any ideas on whats up with that plant?
  18. W

    quick question

    thank you.
  19. W

    quick question

    was just wondering how old ther were =\
  20. W

    quick question

    i started 12/12 on oct 8th. took about 2 weeks give or take a few days to show sex. i count how many days in 12/12 from the sign of sex correct? so they are todate 26 days old?