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  1. bren226

    50 seedlings please help 1st time grow!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I dont think I can get rapid rooters but it sounds like I could substitute rockwool cubes. Whatdathink?
  2. bren226

    50 seedlings please help 1st time grow!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I love each and every one of my plants!!!! They will all find good homes either with friends or outside!!! I have 2 strains of the bag-seed and i want to breed them outdoors and get more seeds!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But after all the posts, im convinced now to build a cloner My plant started from a...
  3. bren226

    50 seedlings please help 1st time grow!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm really put off of cloning after my 1st failed try It took 2 weeks and only one clone had a few small roots Now I have from seeds to 1+ inch seedlings in less than a week!!!! How is cloning faster?????? Because you can flower right away clones from a mature plant?? I know the genetics may...
  4. bren226

    50 seedlings please help 1st time grow!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ya, ya, ya................ I know it's too many plants but I had all these seeds so I thought wtf!!! I tried cloning the mother in perilite but only 1 out of 4 rooted, and I put it in soil too soon and its pretty much dead now. It'll be a miracle if it survives. I've decided to move as many...
  5. bren226

    Soil and Hydroponics Together - Any Experience?

    To all those who read this post!!!!! Thanks!!!!! I went along with my plan 10+ gal square rubbermaid hydroton on the bottom perilite over the hydroton 2 drip irrigation tubes lenthwise, tube coming out the top for watering soil over the whole biz the plant is growing fine 3 weeks or so after...
  6. bren226

    50 seedlings please help 1st time grow!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have a 400w hps in a 1.5 x 2 x 6ft cabinet 1 plant from a clone (good bud) vegging for 7 weeks in a 10 gal rubermaid growing horizontally under a screen a few inches high Now I have 50 healthy, bag seed :( seedlings in plastic cups in the same cabinet I have another space, 3 square feet with...
  7. bren226

    Organic Hydroponics - soil and hydroponics together!!

    I started a thread about a organic hydroponic grow system that I'm thinking of trying Anyone who is intrested in this subject check out this thread soil and hydroponics together - any experience?
  8. bren226

    Organic Hydroponics - soil and hydroponics together!!

    I started a thread about a organic hydroponic grow system that I'm thinking of trying Anyone who is intrested in this subject check out this thread
  9. bren226

    Soil and Hydroponics Together - Any Experience?

    No ferts in the lower res just water anyways not really a reservoir cause it wont be closed to be flooded just water dripping down through the hydroton layer I dont understand about water pressure differentials how much water pressure is there going to be in an open container? And theres...
  10. bren226

    Soil and Hydroponics Together - Any Experience?

    Wolverine, since you seem to know what youre talking about why dont you enlighten us instead of me having to read a thousand more articles about growing Why wouldn't this be advantageous? why they're not compatible? Thanks
  11. bren226

    Soil and Hydroponics Together - Any Experience?

    Thanks Trueno Did you read that article where I got this idea? Do you think that this system would bring any benifit? I hope it doesnt turn out to be a messy experiment!!!!! The only problem is I'll have to figure out how to gauge if this technique makes a noticable difference as opposed to...
  12. bren226

    Organic Hydroponics (Flood and Drain)

    I'm trying to get some input on a really simple "organic hydroponic" system that I thought of Here is the thread
  13. bren226

    Soil and Hydroponics Together - Any Experience?

    The water comes from a tube sticking up out of the soil and flows through the tubes by gravity ya tap water - ph balanced the tubes would be in the hydroton layer so gravity would pull the water down and not through the soil soil wicking the water up may be an issue but I think this could be...
  14. bren226

    1st time grow - pictures - need advice please!!!!

    I'm planning on transplanting to something like 10gal+ Does this look like normal growth after a month?
  15. bren226

    little black flies, look like fruit flies or gnats

    I think the black winged intruder was just a misguided fruit fly who couldnt get away from the dank smell of the plant my grow cabinet is in the kitchen!! But I for sure had some spider mites or something very close to it The hot pepper spray after 3 applications has killed them all Just...
  16. bren226

    1st time indoor grow - should i re-pot?? help please!!! basically same thread but with pictures
  17. bren226

    Soil and Hydroponics Together - Any Experience?

    Thanks guys for the input! I do think keeping it simple is the best but..... Theoretically one could just use the soil-less grow medium on the bottom and soil on the top and grow just like you would in a normal soil grow, the advantages obviously better drainage and aeration Ive seen this...
  18. bren226

    1st time grow - pictures - need advice please!!!!

    This is my 1st time growing Friend gave me a clone about 4 inches tall in a small planter Before i had time to transplant her, she fell and the main stem broke off about 3/4 of the way down This is right after transplant 2 weeks under 208w of cfls +10 days under 400w hps I'm tying...
  19. bren226

    Soil and Hydroponics Together - Any Experience?

    I read about a grow setup where the bottom 1/3 of the grow medium is a hydroponic (perilite, clay pellets) and the top 2/3 is soil The bottom "hydroponic layer" is flooded and drained regularly (ebb and flow?) with plain water, while also watering and nutrients on top, on the soil. Anyone have...
  20. bren226

    little black flies, look like fruit flies or gnats

    the gnats went away by themselves i guess? and after spraying with the hot pepper a few days ago i havent found any more spider mites ;)