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  1. N

    Black Pistil Tips

    did you ever find out what was the cause of the black pistils? Was it the pests or was it something else? Thanks!
  2. N

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    Hi CG I read that you did some pruning to get to 4+ oz per plant. So an indoor plant that has leaves taken off it will produce more than one that is not touched? Can you elaborate on your pruning process. I would greatly appreciate it. Do you take all the fan leaves off? Do you supercrop...
  3. N

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    Thanks Wolverine97- I will try that but, but how do I bring in fresh air so that the air and CO2 is being replaced in the room. I don't want to run a CO2 system. Should I run the fans in intervals in order to bring fresh air into the room and run AC as much as needed to keep temps and RH in...
  4. N

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    Hi CG and All, I am new to this forum and I see you get your room humidity down below 40%. How do you keep your humidity so low. I have a 12 in canfan for exhaust running 24/7 and a 10 in canfan for intake running during the day and I can't get my humidity below 75 during light and 60 during...