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  1. V

    Help me! piss test tom!

    wow, im surprised, smoked all week till wensday, didnt drink much on thurs and took a herbal clean Q carbo easy cleaner.. drank about 2 liters of water, pissed 4-5 times, and passed the test two hours later! HAHA i give this drink props, try it ppl if ya need to pass a test
  2. V

    Ak48 Strain

    pics would make this a hundred times better haha. ive used cell phone cameras and they work fine, try that if ya have one
  3. V

    Newbie closet grow..

    open closet door and a fan is all vent i will have. and yea im going to be getting rid of the round bulbs for now im backing them off a little so they dont burn em, its about 79F.
  4. V

    Closet setup-newbie

    i know there are links somewhere in the site on how to determine sex early because i remember reading it once, but cant find it :-( so sorry if this pisses anyone off but lol. with my space and lighting, how would be the best way and best time to determine sex of the plant with still keeping...
  5. V

    Newbie closet grow..

    forgot to post the pics lol here they are
  6. V

    Newbie closet grow..

    here are two pics from day 2, only 2 sprouted up so far. im hoping to get some money here soon, finnally got a job haha, and upgrade to (2) 4ft shop lights that hold two bulbs each, and still use the other socket lights. if i dont go through with that i will at least get Y splitters and then...
  7. V

    Closet setup-newbie

    here are two pics of what i have them vegging under for now. i know its not near enough, but it will work for a while until i upgrade
  8. V

    Closet setup-newbie

    i didnt relize their could be that much difference with the lighting, i know its important, but i didnt relize it would make a 12 gram difference. here are two pics of what i got setup right now. when i get money i will be buying two shop lights that hold (2) 4ft bulbs each. i will also be...
  9. V

    Closet setup-newbie

    i did see the shop light can handle the t8's and t12's i believe and maybe t5's and the fixture was only 20 bucks. i guess i may end up just buying two of them and putting them in the closet, because im hoping i have more than 3 plants, i planted 25 ill keep all of them till i run out of...
  10. V

    Closet setup-newbie

    i went to the store today and seen some 200w cfl's.. and also a cheap shoplight fixture that can hold (2) 4ft bulbs up to liek 40w each or something like that. should i just replace my current bulbs with 200w cfls or just get the shoplight nd put two 4ft bulbs in that.
  11. V

    Closet setup-newbie

    the most lights i can have is prolly 8-10 do you think this will be enough for my closet? i mean, i know that each plant needs 4-6 of them 42w cfls. but since they are all in the same confined space you dont think that havent like three plants in a triangle with 4 bulbs will work? eve if it...
  12. V

    Posting pics..and cops?

    aight thanks guys, thats what i thought too. that they could if they wanted, but why would they want to fuck me and my little 1gram plants hahahah shitty bag weed
  13. V

    Closet setup-newbie

    lol aight foils gone.. ill just leave it alone for now and put some paper in when i get some money.
  14. V

    Closet setup-newbie

    ill keep an eye on the temp in there, but otherwise im going to keep the foil up for now, its deff reflecting alot of light nomatter what anyone says lol, its like shinning the light from the sun, onto your watch, onto your buddys eyes while hes driving hahaha, its bright. ill keep an eye on it...
  15. V

    Closet setup-newbie

    i understand their are better ways, but im asking if the foil is okay to use and better than nothing, and im not painting my trailer cardboard like shitty walls haha
  16. V

    Newbie closet grow..

    the Y splitter is new to me but that is def something i will be getting,
  17. V

    Newbie closet grow..

    yea i will def weed out the males first , but how can i tell if their male without running out of room before they get too big. ill be transplanting them into 1-2 gallon pots. so as many as i can fit in that 8ft closet is as many as ill have lol, ill def be adding 3-6 more lights in there when...
  18. V

    How long can u store smoke?

    never really thought about that lol, breathing the smoke in the car is one thing, but re smoking the smoke ? lol i dont see why it wouldnt work, def not as much but i wouldnt wait too long, like a few hours maybe lol try it and let us know smoke a bunch, fill a bunch of glass jars with...
  19. V

    Closet setup-newbie

    no money.. didnt put that up there, but lost my job 3 weeks ago, so im doing it cheap as shit right now haha. will that foil work like that though?
  20. V

    Is she done flowering?

    i cant red anymore haha 6 pages of laughing is enough for me :) but no matter what anyone else says, im sure the effort put into that was minimal and ya prolly didnt have to do much to it, so i wouldnt call it a completewaste of time, at least you got some from it, and damn would i love to be...