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  1. Z

    Wtf is this? (PICS)

    That could also be Lupin, nut sure about the hairy stem tho..
  2. Z

    Disc golfing

    Pick up some disc go to a course and meet some new friends! One of my favorite courses had a bong stashed at the tee-stump of hole two. It was also traditionally one of the bowl holes.
  3. Z


    Always lawyer up. ALWAYS!
  4. Z

    Women Were The First Gods And The First Rulers

    Women were the first Gods, no doubt. I'm pretty sure Kali was slaying demons (of maya) not men. He husband laid down as if dead; and she believed that in her rage she killed him. It was the love of her husband that brought her out of the rage. Datura/MJ are both vascular dilators and soft...