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  1. eMotiv

    Let's talk about LED's!

    That font is really annoying to read
  2. eMotiv


  3. eMotiv


    Sorry, I'm calling this one. We can fight for her though
  4. eMotiv

    Not having cable

    Who the hell doesn't have broadband these days? How do you do it???
  5. eMotiv

    Halo 3

    Couldn't agree more. Their matchmaking was horrible! And of course nothing beats Bungie's matchmaking, they have that shit dialed. I wonder what Bungie's next project is for 1st person shooter since they backed out w/ Microsoft. No more Halo as we know it. If there is a Halo 4, it will be...
  6. eMotiv

    Halo 3

    Wait for GOW #2 , due end of '08. It'll knock the socks off all the other shit games out there
  7. eMotiv


    I guaran-fuckin-tee there's a lot more shit to be fucked
  8. eMotiv

    Nutrient burn Recovery?

    Hmm, i wonder why such differing opinions? Ill switch it tomorrow..
  9. eMotiv

    The Pussy Snorkel

    It's about goddamn time, sick of coming up for air
  10. eMotiv


    Better than fucking drinking it
  11. eMotiv


    Fuck you and this whole city and everyone in it. Fuck the corrupt cops with their anus-violating plungers and their shots, standing behind a blue wall of silence. You betray our trust! Fuck the priests who put their hands down some innocent child's pants. Fuck the church that protects...
  12. eMotiv

    What you listening to right now?

    In my alarm clock, wake up to Incubus every morning
  13. eMotiv

    Home drug testing kit

    They are limited in their scope, but I would be more afraid of their inaccuracy! Cranberry juice works better than water
  14. eMotiv

    Not having cable

    You know what really grinds my gears? Cover charges at hole-in-the-wall bars. Where do they get off charging a nickel a beer and making you pay to get in? This isn't the Hollywood Blvd nightclub scene! The day after frequenting a good 'ol boy bar with friends always results in a nasty...
  15. eMotiv

    Halo 3

    Don't know why, but my hand-eye coordination seems to improve when I smoke. Destroying newbs in Halo 3!
  16. eMotiv

    What is the absolute BEST ORGANIC nutrient

    Like you're really looking at her necklace..
  17. eMotiv

    Peanut Shells for Breaking up soil?

    Sounds like styrofoam would work, however it's horrible for the environment lasting an estimated 15,000 years before decomposing. (this obviously hasn't been tested) There is an alternative though, pour some gasoline on it and light a match, gone in minutes. Recipe for a little homemade napalm.
  18. eMotiv

    Oh noes! I borked muh plant!

    Clone the top
  19. eMotiv

    What do I do with all of this stuffs?

    Well put C_Pac
  20. eMotiv

    Nutrient burn Recovery?

    I had considered it, but then I read numerous posts from the pros and it seemed many of them believe it's wasted hours of growing time. I guess we'll never know until somebody puts it to the test w/ all other variables equal. I think I might try it though just to see what happens. Thanks for...