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  1. dave01592

    hesi soil advice

    Hi been trying to get to grips with these nutes but plants always look burnt at the bottom. Any adive on dosage etc, soil is westland with added JI.
  2. dave01592

    plant magic soil bloom softwater

    plant magic soil bloom softwater I noticed that the N-P-K is 2.5-0.5-5.2 and thought perhaps the Phosphorus content at 0.5% was quite low in comparison to other fertilisers. has anyone used this product and there views on it. cheers
  3. dave01592

    soft water area.

    hey, so im in a soft water area in scotland. i reecently got plant magic soft water nutes but will i also need calmag as i have soft water or do soft water contain extra cal mag. cheers
  4. dave01592

    feed or not

    cheers dudes?
  5. dave01592

    feed or not

    i forgot to mention it hasn't had any feed yet and is almost 2 weeks into flower. cheers
  6. dave01592

    feed or not

    hi so i have a plant in soil which looks hungry as the bottom leaves are turning slightly yellow. the thing is i watered the plant only yesterday so do i wait to the soil drys out before giving it a feed or just give it a feed just now cheers for any help
  7. dave01592

    400w hps or 2 x 250w hps

    hey what would produce better yeild results in my dr90. one 400w hps or two 250w hps. cheers
  8. dave01592

    will my bent plants be ok

    hey this is the first time i have grown this strain. i have noticed already that the leaves are a lot bigger than other strains. how are you finding yours. any pics?
  9. dave01592

    will my bent plants be ok

    i have a pair of bent plants. the strain is Big bud white widow. the stem bends coming out the soil then straightens up. does this look OK or will i have problems cheers
  10. dave01592

    First grow, how are they looking

    cheers for feed back. i did suspect i was over watering so this has confirmed. im not going to water as much and take it from there
  11. dave01592

    First grow, how are they looking

    this is my first grow under a 250 watt hps dual spectrum. 2 pinapple express and 1 afgan haze. almost 4 weeks into flowering, how they looking. cheers
  12. dave01592

    How do they look. 1 week into flowering

    cheers for feedback, just checked on them today. there getting taller every day
  13. dave01592

    How do they look. 1 week into flowering

    the plants are in biomix soil and im feeding them bio mix grow and bloom nutes
  14. dave01592

    How do they look. 1 week into flowering

    hey this is my first grow (afgan haze and pineapple express). how do the look, its been 1 week since i switched to 12/12. do you think my 3 plants it will get too crowded in my small tent or will i be ok. cheers for any feed back
  15. dave01592

    pinapple express, afgan haze. should i flower

    i used feminized seeds (pinapple express and afgan haze), they are 4 weeks and 1 day old from seed. can i change them to 12/12 lighting the now or do i have to wait until pre-flower cheers
  16. dave01592

    should i start flowering. take a look.

    i use feminized seeds. can i change them to 12/12 lighting the now or do i have to wait until preflower cheers
  17. dave01592

    should i start flowering. take a look.

    i have the height to let them veg for longer but will the plants also get wider the longer i leave them??
  18. dave01592

    should i start flowering. take a look.

    this is my first grow and not sure if i should change the lighting to 12/12 for flowering or wait longer. i planted the seeds 4 weeks ago today. any help please
  19. dave01592

    my first grow - when should i transplant

    hey this is my first grow and are 2 weeks old. they are in 7" pots but i should i transplant them into 10" pots i have. when should i transplant then and what is the best way. cheers for any tips
  20. dave01592

    First grow - should i transplant !!

    hey this is my first grow and are 2 weeks old. they are in 7" pots but i should i transplant them into 10" pots i have. when should i transplant then and what is the best way. cheers for any tips