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  1. S

    GH WW and Blue Cheese in 12/12 are yellowing rapidly / pls have a look

    You're on the right track recognizing N def, now give it what it's asking for. Find a fert with more N like Jacks 30-10-10 or 20-20-20 and watch it green up like a champ in 5-7 days.
  2. S

    Lemon g 13 baby lookin bad.

    Even feeding it yet? Looking a little N hungry to me, and maybe a bit too much P if anything.
  3. S

    Pretty sure this is nitrogen problems... Your help would be super appreciated..

    Glad to see them turning around. Don't be afraid to use the 20-20-20 now and again to keep them green and happy overall.
  4. S

    Deficiency or heat damage?

    N deficiency shows as even leaf yellowing from the bottom of the plant.
  5. S

    Deficiency or heat damage?

    Looks like a simple P deficiency to me, but otherwise beautifully healthy looking plant from those shots. Do the same thing you did here next grow except maybe alternate in some 10-30-20 when she's blooming. No reason to radically change things next time, she looks great.
  6. S

    Nitrogen & Potassium deficiency?

    It's below ground co-op water source, aka well water. I'm pretty sure from the low ca/mg, and other numbers that they are softening the water and the sodium is a byproduct of that process. Hard water is common in this area. Sorry about being off topic. :)
  7. S

    Nitrogen & Potassium deficiency?

    I have some leaves showing similar spotting and yellowing as yours, but in veg and not nearly as wide spread. For me, I'm thinking it's a problem with potassium deficiency due to high sodium levels. I've got a water analysis on my tap and I know it's high sodium to begin with which I think is...
  8. S

    Transplanted from pot to ground, leaves turning yellow and dying, no growth either :(

    What's the NPK of the fert he gave ya? You want something like 30-10-10, 3-1-2, 20-20-20, something along those numbers. Even yellowing of leaves from the bottom up is lack of Nitrogen.
  9. S

    Need help figuring this one out guys... What is it?

    Never had it in my own garden, but looks a lot like Mn toxicity from reading around. If so, you'll want to leech some out with extra water, and if your runoff PH is low maybe buffer it back up with some lime. It's hard to see the overall plant health in that 1 shot.
  10. S

    Need help identifying my leaf problem!! ASAP PLEASE

    If I'm reading the instructions for that food, you should be closer to 3ml/L? You might just need to up the intake a bit if they are starting to starve? I'm just looking at the web for the fert info, so double check your label. 3-2-4 is not a bad balance really, adding 50/50% 3-0-0 would put...
  11. S

    Is Cal-Mag + the right fix???

    I'm not sure what every item in your lineup is doing to the NPK, but the koolbloom/florolicious mixed 50/50 would be around a NPK of 2 23 14. My plants are much happier around a 3 1 2 ratio. I used to follow all the recipes for "mj nutes" and chased my tail constantly trying to fix problems...
  12. S

    Need help identifying my leaf problem!! ASAP PLEASE

    What are you feeding and how much?
  13. S

    Is Cal-Mag + the right fix???

    I'm not a hydro grower, but if it was looking like that in my dirt I'd be thinking excess P and K, likely from the KoolBloom. I wouldn't touch a bloom food again till after the plants finish stretch in flower. Excess P can show as a micronutriant def, and excess K can inhibit N, Mg and Ca...
  14. S

    yellowing bottom leaves

    IF I found the right product.... Big bud, NPK: 0-15-40 You stopped giving it any N which you'll see as yellowing from bottom up in a plant. Here's a great thread to read on the subject.
  15. S

    Pretty sure this is nitrogen problems... Your help would be super appreciated..

    Yellow towards the bottom, greener on top? Just need a little more N, looks fine overall. A simple 30-10-10 or 20-20-20 should have them greening up within a week. Start at around 3/4tsp or so a gal every water and reevaluate weekly.
  16. S

    I have what ???

    3tsp/gal ya ouch that was a lot. I can't quite tell if you're doing soil or hydro. I would have gone to a more balanced fert like 20/20/20 till the plants looked more healthy overall. Cal/Mag, metals, and the rest would is more or less needed depending on what kind of water source, grow...
  17. S

    help!!!! droopy leaves

    Don't see a lick of perlite or anything in that soil. What kind of soil is it? How's your temps and airflow? How much light is that too? A pic in normal light would be good too.
  18. S

    I have what ???

    What are you feeding and how much?
  19. S

    Bagseed First Grow

    To me it looks a bit like over fert (looks like some burning tips on pic 3 in the background), over water (downward curled leaves), and maybe lights too close (the yellowing on top). How much and which Jack's are you using per gallon? How much light? I only use 100w flouro in my clone cab and...