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  1. agenttokie

    Busted :( The second you know its over :(

    I know it is a bit late for the update but I went to court and somehow my lawyer worked everything out to 90 days, here you get 5 for 2 so I would have had to duo 36 but as my luck sucks I got staph infection in there and ended up doing 57. 2 months after I got out DEU pulled me over and told...
  2. agenttokie

    Busted :( The second you know its over :(

    Me too...........they defitanly violated my 4th, 5th, and 6th amendment rights, but on a scale 6 defititnate months vs a risk of 5 years and knowing they will all lie for each other..........I will do the 6.......I did the crime and will handle the time, I teach my kid to accept responsibility...
  3. agenttokie

    Busted :( The second you know its over :(

    The lowest plea they will offer is possession with intent, 6 months in jail. Its better then 5 years I guess..
  4. agenttokie

    Busted :( The second you know its over :(

    Thanks and your right, I could not in good faith rissk 5 years of my life in the hands of a jury knowing I was guilty. I did what I had to do to support those I care about in a failing economy, I guess I should have went and got welfare and food stamps I guess............Point is I knew the...
  5. agenttokie

    Busted :( The second you know its over :(

    Thank you sir and yes it will.
  6. agenttokie

    Busted :( The second you know its over :(

    I do not know if your referring to my story as the BS or how it went down but I do have better things to do then make up stories for people on the internet -
  7. agenttokie

    Busted :( The second you know its over :(

    South Carolina
  8. agenttokie

    Busted :( The second you know its over :(

    I figured I would stop and give a quick update on the situation, my lawyer feels I have a good argument for the case and reccommended Jury Trial. I found threw discovery that a friend of 14 years is the one that told on me, oddly enough he was at my house selling me zanax when I messed up and...
  9. agenttokie

    Busted :( The second you know its over :(

    You are correct, after he asked me if he could search and I said no he asked if I objected to them walking a dog back and forth past my door and it was then I figured if they had shit they wouldnt be asking me all of that and I told them I dont consent to any search and would like a lawyer...
  10. agenttokie

    Busted :( The second you know its over :(

    Spoke to a paralegal friend today who looked thru my paperwork. Turns out the evidence was photographed and destroyed at 13:00 on 5/14 the search warrant was signed by the judge at 3:45pm on 5/14. Maybe someone should have practiced military time better and hopefully its enough to get the...
  11. agenttokie

    Busted :( The second you know its over :(

    Could have something to do with every cop in the state in my city busting 50+ hells angels with a huge grow operation...........I dont know.
  12. agenttokie

    Busted :( The second you know its over :(

    No I called one friend and told them I was locked up, he called around to have people rdy to go when bond was set because at that point nobody knew how much it would be. Nobody but one person knew about what I was doing. I do not know yet how I got caught. I was asleep when they knocked so I...
  13. agenttokie

    Busted :( The second you know its over :(

    Yep it happened. The day we never want to see come :( So I was asleep on my couch when I hear a knock at the door, I look out the window and see a fed ex truck and two fed ex guys. Odd....a bit but maybe someone in training. I open the door and step outside closing the door behind me. The fed...
  14. agenttokie

    DIY Exhaust Fan for under 20$

    If you had the tote in your attic pulling the air instead of pushing it wouldnt it work a bit better? I always thought pulling air was easier then pushing it.........Good Job though man.
  15. agenttokie

    Aero Flo 30 - Root problems

    Hey everyone, quick question. I have an Aero Flo 30 and it works great, perhaps to great. My girls have gotten to big and are crowding each other and shadowing each other so I trimmed things down a bit. A few plants have not grown and are just causing a mess but if I remove them I have no way to...
  16. agenttokie

    Seem to be growing slow

    I would think they are still devloping roots. They should spring up soon. They look healthy and happy to me! This week is a good time to start feeding them 1/4 strength nutrients and build up from then. I would also bump one out and check the roots it is possible they grew roots fast and are...
  17. agenttokie

    Purple stems and stock

    I agree! If everything else tests out ok and looks healthy I would not worry much. I have some sativas that only the fan leave branches grow purple. If it was the whole plant I would look further into it.
  18. agenttokie

    Neem oil questions

    How did you do that?? I have a blue pit and nothing works for her to stop chewing at the fur around her tail, I would try the neem. How did you apply it?
  19. agenttokie

    10 days in, what's wrong with this one?

    u wont know if its a defiency until you know the PH. Not much can be told until you know the PH..........does not look like drainage, over or under watering though. If PH is correct then get a soil test kit.
  20. agenttokie

    New Root Growth, why, how, good or bad??

    So nobody can tell me how to encourage new root growth when moving a plant to a bigger net pot?