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  1. N

    is it too early to tell if its a female?pics

    I concur, looks female. If you start seeing little balls, you know it's a male.
  2. N

    First Time CFL Grow - Flowering Stage - Pics

    Pics are MIA. Edit: Nevermind. Damn looks good man. Keep it up!
  3. N

    How am i doing 23 days

    Just looks like overwatering. Water every three days or so or when the soil gets dry about an inch down. For that size pot, I would probably water with about 150mL of water or until the water just comes out of the pot drainage holes. Good luck!
  4. N

    switching to 12 / 12 what should i expect??

    You're fine. People 12/12 from seed. Keep us updated.
  5. N

    First Grow!! Bagseed need expert input

    LOL, bullet proof emergency blankets. Actually, look for Mylar... that's what you want.
  6. N

    perfect temp?

    70-85 degrees F
  7. N

    CFL flowering 3 weeks

    WOW~ So is that like 9 ounces wet yeild? Can't wait to see what the final verdict is.
  8. N

    Stealth Grow Box Way to hot!!!

    Slap a couple of muffin fans on there. Put one on the bottom for intake and one on the top for exhaust. Power them with this: AC to DC Adapter - 110v AC to 12v DC Converter w/ 4-Pin Molex - Good luck!
  9. N

    Are they ready for 12/12?

    Alright, thank you!
  10. N

    Are they ready for 12/12?

    You do realize that they are under LST right? (Low Stress Training)
  11. N

    Major drooping!!! Any Suggestions or comments?

    They aren't bad at all... let em go for a few days without water, should do the trick!
  12. N

    Are they ready for 12/12?

    I've had these babies--6 babies in all--for 4 1/2 weeks. They are on 18/6 right now with LST. They seem healthy and are actually a little bigger than they are in the pics (the pics are from a couple of days ago). I don't have unlimited space, only about 24" x 16" x 30" or so to grow in, thus...
  13. N

    Stealth Grow, Blue Totes... Can i paint them white on inside?

    I concur. However, I'm using emergency blankets right now, seem to be working fine.
  14. N

    First time growing.

    You need at least 2 cfl bulbs on your plant but sounds like you're off to a good start!
  15. N

    Our Grow: A newbs first (so far successful) grow, w/pics!

    I really wouldn't transplant them yet. I have a plant that looked yellow and crispy that I thought had no hope at all and after a few days and a tiny bit of watering it came back out. These plants are extremely resilient and will survive a lot of abuse if you address the problems in a timely...
  16. N

    First Grow Help

    More soil?
  17. N

    First Grow Help

    Greetings fellow horticulturists. This is my first grow. I have six plants planted in individual pots and they are all about a week old. Recently, they started drooping a little. I've searched on these forums and I believe it is because the lights are too far away, but wanted to post here just...