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  1. K

    Welcome New Members!

    wots up fella's jazuz thats a lota $or£ to spend on your first grow.2k wow awesome wish you all the best bredren reap what u grow. im doin my first grow this year but only gonna cost a pitence in comparsion still its goin 2 be great...i hope.planning on trown a few seeds specialy for my climate...
  2. K

    Quick question

    just wondering what ligths u useing im thinking of doin a box grow myself havent a great deal of knowledge yet on it if any1 has id love 2 here it ................. peace ppl
  3. K

    Any DUB'S

    IM coming from the beginers point of view on this 1.Im goin to attempt to grow a few small plants id preferable be able to harvest every month ive heard this can be done easy enough.Informaion here is key though ergo.... Hi "j" is my name & ill be starting a lil grow soon jst a plant or 2...
  4. K

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey first post be kind..... is this an norhernirish site?... im looking 2 get a lil grow goin maybe a plant or 2 just to get te know d basics i like to learn by doin...iknow ill probably need to read a book at some stage.All depends on he help i get suppose.