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    Someone needs to start burning down these bad dispensaries.
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    Anyone outside 25 miles have grow rights for sale?

    I've been a caregiver for 5 patients since the law rolled out. I'm down to two and will lose them in April. Looking for patients outside the 25 mile rule to compensate with meds, cash or both. Running 6k room for over a year now, growing for 8 years. Very good meds available.
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    List your moms

    Sour bubble Bubble yum (sb x yumbolt) Sour bubble yum (sb x (sb x yumbolt) ATF Kushberry 501st og (4 females, haven't flowered yet) Fire og bx seeds, need to get crackin.
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    Phoenix Caregivers are awesome.

    I got frustrated trying to find that place.
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    so what kind of deal do you care providers make with patients?

    Tempe420 i tried sending a pm but it keeps showing 0 sent can you try sending a pm or hit me up caregivr at g mail thanks.
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    so what kind of deal do you care providers make with patients?

    Sounds like a deal, my setup cost 7 grand.
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    so what kind of deal do you care providers make with patients?

    1 free oz per month, $200 reimbursement per extra oz. Proof is in the pudding and they should be able to provide pics of their grow.
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    Arizona Organix

    I went down there to see if they are taking meds, she said yeah but for free, i said thanks bye.
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    Let's Talk "HASH" Making

    I dry it completely and chop it fine in a food processor and shake it through a 120 bag, comes out with very little green in it.
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    For you AZ boys. What's your drying method?

    Trim complete, place onto drying rack for 1.5-2 days until they are crunchy on the outside. Place in 2 gallon buckets for half a day, they will moisten up real nice and then its back to the drying rack for half a day. Then back into the buckets, keep an eye on humidity. If it goes over 70 then a...
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    What Base Nutrient line are you running?

    I go to greenlife too, really cool guy.My nutes are PBP, liquid karma, silica blast, cal mag, and AN big bud.
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    Would you support litigation to remove the 25 mile rule from the AMMA?!

    Posted on hydrobreed also- I am a patient and a caregiver for 5 people. A couple of my patients have had back surgery, one is a veteran who broke his back in the military. The cannabis I provide my patients with helps them out, one of my patients has completely stopped taking pain pills...
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    ARIZONA 25 mile grow rule illegal under State law Help end this wrong !

    The problem I see is with the wording, no law can grant priveledges or immunites which UPON THE SAME TERMS shall not equally belong to all citizens. To me it sounds like the terms are whether or not you live more than 25 miles from a dispensary. Meaning if two people live more than 25 miles from...
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    1/13/12: AZDHS "we could begin accepting dispensary applications this Summer"

    What about the Maricopa board of supervisors decision to not let dispensaries in Maricopa county? Will this still be in effect?
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    1/13/12: AZDHS "we could begin accepting dispensary applications this Summer"

    I'm thinking it would be possible to rent a cheap house in the middle of nowhere and use that for an address, and still grow at your main residence.
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    Spectrum VS. watts

    5000 for veg, 2700 for flower. You can get the cheap white plastic fixtures at home depot for a few bucks each, a cheap extension cord and wire them up so you can use more than 4.
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    Tops for Toys

    Sounds better than good :)
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    Air cooled hoods or A/C?

    At 4 k with a ventilated room it's going to use a lot of the central ac during summer and your ac will be running a lot, my electric bill got up over 700 last summer with 2600 watts. I plan on building a 4k room pretty soon also and I'm probably going to go with a window ac, putting a wall over...
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    Tops for Toys

    I'm definitely a supporter of repealing the 25 mile bs.
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    advice on first grow please

    Yeah it looks like they are hungry.