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  1. intoblackwaterpark


    When im drying should i hang in complete darkness and usually how long should they hang???
  2. intoblackwaterpark

    Amber trics but still white pistels?????

    Im at about 50/50 amber to milky white trics but she keeps putting out white pistels should i still harvest or wait???? I am going on vacatin in 2 weeks will be gone for 2 weeks please help!!!!! Should i just harvest or give it a couple days????
  3. intoblackwaterpark

    what happened????w/pix

    i put all the lights on them ill keep my fingers crossed 6-132watts and 4-225 led light panels
  4. intoblackwaterpark

    what happened????w/pix

    wont it shock her to switch back to cfls
  5. intoblackwaterpark

    what happened????w/pix

    started with 8 cfls than switched to leds
  6. intoblackwaterpark

    what happened????w/pix

    the plant was always a bit slow growing im using 6- 225 led light panels... its blue cheese and im using dr.hornbys big bud nutes great smelling little plant
  7. intoblackwaterpark

    what happened????w/pix

    l.e.d.s 3 weeks flowering nice trichromes but small buds
  8. intoblackwaterpark

    what happened????w/pix

    This was my first grow and i dont know why my buds are so small....did everything right look at the trichromes any comments would be greatly appreciated
  9. intoblackwaterpark

    How old is this plant and how does it look?

    i hope it grows a set of balls and you get nothing!!!!!!
  10. intoblackwaterpark

    Newbie Grower and First Time grower :)

    good luck... any questions youll get the answers here
  11. intoblackwaterpark

    Flowering Questions????

    if the fan leaves arent drooping still producing keep her going dude no more nutes though dont want to burn out
  12. intoblackwaterpark

    Help? need to know when to start flowering

    i wouldnt suggest topping but thats a personal opinion
  13. intoblackwaterpark

    Flowering Questions????

    what do fan leaves look like
  14. intoblackwaterpark

    Help? need to know when to start flowering

    1 month veg. 12" 2 months flowering 24" 42" total
  15. intoblackwaterpark

    Flowering Questions????

    no more nutes!!!!!! any more nutes your buds will taste like your nutes harvest in two weeks should do it the rest of the hairs will soon turn orange
  16. intoblackwaterpark

    Help? need to know when to start flowering

    let her go another 4 or 5 weeks then go 12/12....not a high yield but nice.......... looks good and healthy shell prob. get about 36"
  17. intoblackwaterpark

    Flowering Questions????

    48 days of flowering or 48 day old
  18. intoblackwaterpark

    help first time grower

  19. intoblackwaterpark

    help first time grower

    the attitude seed bank very stealth pkg. free seeds if you order enough "dude" free seeds
  20. intoblackwaterpark

    Urgent Question - combining fluorescent lighting and sunlight

    its not the light the plant needs its the ultraviolet-rays that you dont see itll be fine outside.... everything else is growing right????trees ,grass, flowers ,etc...