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  1. I

    Brown spots, leaves curling upwards, yellow appearence

    Thanks for replying. This is my first grow. Here's exactly what I'm using. 1- Fox Farm's Ocean forest soil 2. Soil ph is 6.7 3. Currently using no nutes. 4. Around every 24 hours I water as the soil is crusty and it's light. 5. Not to sure on the temp inside the little cabinet, I'll get a...
  2. I

    Brown spots, leaves curling upwards, yellow appearence

    The plant is 4-5 weeks into flowering. It's a Royal Queen Ice feminized strain in soil. From other guides I was reading that it may be Phosphorus deficient due to the small buds, stunted growth (though I'm not sure if it's stunted since this is my first plant) Leaves turning yellow and dieing...