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  1. anonfuck

    Leaf Problems

    I just put it in that container. Before it was in a plastic cup...
  2. anonfuck

    Vocabulary of growing terms/slang

    nute - fertilizer / nutrients.
  3. anonfuck

    Humidity lvl to low?

    My plant seems to be slowly dyeing and I just checked the humidity level and its 32% =( It's usually around 40%. But is this level far to low? What can you do to raise it? Right now I just have it on a desk with lights above it :?
  4. anonfuck

    Leaf Problems

    I just added some nutes and increased the light. hopfully that helps...
  5. anonfuck

    Leaf Problems

    Oh well I haven't used any nutes till now. THe room temp is around 70F/20C. Are fluorescent lights okay? And is there any tips that I might need to know when using fluorescent lights? Also I was thinking of giving it natural light, then during the night for a few hours (trying to give it 18...
  6. anonfuck

    Leaf Problems

    What do you mean nute issues? :cry:
  7. anonfuck

    Leaf Problems

    I need some help; what does it mean plant's leafs start curling up and are lighter green on the outside? I just now gave it some organic fertilizer, I didn't want to give it any fertilizer but I was told on anther forum I had no other choice... 1) See attachment 2) Growing indoors 3)...