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  1. B

    Tops for Toys

    While i can respect the whole cooler heads prevailing, id like to remind you guys a few things in response. After this i am truly gone from here again, and hopefully you can all stay reasonable and work not trying to stir shit up again either, im done and wont be back, just have to...
  2. B

    Tops for Toys

    Hey here is a thought, if you have a problem with the 25 mile rule then instead of complaining, pointing fingers and sitting up on your high horse, why dont YOU do something to change it...right now its a non issue anyways so i don't even understand why this even came up but I will bite and have...
  3. B

    Tops for Toys

    uh oh was someone just called out on BS ;) all the crap is one thing, but to say you have made a contribution when its not true, especially when it involves kids, is just downright disgusting. That slight glimmer of respect just flew out the window.
  4. B

    Tops for Toys

    Hmmm now u seem almost reasonable, bi polar much lol j/k instead of assuming the legalities why not have a reasonable discussion...Those of us in the true know, we know the federal risks involved, and we gladly accept those risks because we believe in what we are doing. I happen to know for a...
  5. B

    Tops for Toys

    If thats not BS and u really did donate a toy i will give a very small kudo for that. I am not unreasonable ;)
  6. B

    Tops for Toys

    eh i went out on a limb and took a guess
  7. B

    Tops for Toys

    I would stand up for anyone who's sole purpose is to help people. You would understand this if you cared about more than yourself... Especially when people who have no clue spread false information simply because no one on the forum liked them and they were banned (I bet that's it, which one...
  8. B

    Tops for Toys

    Again you show your ignorance and idiocy, No SSI here, and even if i did collect SSI I paid for it too.
  9. B

    Tops for Toys

    HAHAHA u really believe that, he has been under federal investigation for almost 8 years now for various offenses, inflating statistics, wasting resources, etc etc, he would rather go after Hispanics than sex offenders, and that is documented buddy, that list keeps going...
  10. B

    Tops for Toys

    and i can tell without knowing you that you are the type of people i would not even piss on if you were on fire. U dont know me and i have not a damn thing to prove to you, i dont even care truly, im just bored and find your stupidity and ignorance entertaining while i medicate and rest my...
  11. B

    Tops for Toys

    nah roomy is at work, but yeah im home. thats what disabled people do, they stay home (for the most part)
  12. B

    Tops for Toys

    lol, wrong county, thats just your counties corrupt ass sheriff.
  13. B

    Tops for Toys

    for the record I have been smiling the whole time, only thing fired up here is my bowl :) bank on that I did just recently become sort of a mod. i moderate one sub-forum lol...not exactly a top dawg moderator lol
  14. B

    Tops for Toys

    Oh and considering my roommate and brother in law are both deputy sheriffs here in Arizona, and my main contact in this industry as far as the law here is an ex federal narcotics officer and member of leap (look up Jay Fleming pal) I dont believe i need your links to the A.R.S. I have the...
  15. B

    Tops for Toys

    I never mentioned the IRS once, all I stated was AZCS is a non profit AZ business, and it is...just cause u dont THINK so doesn't mean shit
  16. B

    BTW if you use AZCS's services to get your card, thats you you are doing, it doesnt lock you...

    BTW if you use AZCS's services to get your card, thats you you are doing, it doesnt lock you into anything, just gets you a card. The dr writes the rec, u apply with azdhs, same as any other certification office. your the one in control, AZCS for me, is just a forum with friends, you can make it...
  17. B

    Tops for Toys

    Don't need to, I understand just fine....and yeah as Bill said about "keytlaw" ROTFLMAO...So what you are saying is when you study law, you dont use law libraries and such, you just read up what an advertising attorney says :) Yep I apparently can't argue with your knowledge, wonder how that...
  18. B

    Tops for Toys

    Hmm, do me a favor, go find that statute in the AMMA or within AZDHS's site and copy it here, ive read over every inch of prop 203, AZDHS rules etc. several times and this is the FIRST time I have seen anyone take that interpretation from it. As far as seeds coming from Arizona, once you have...
  19. B

    Honey let me give you the best advice I can, DO NOT listen to anyone here. If you want to find...

    Honey let me give you the best advice I can, DO NOT listen to anyone here. If you want to find out about AZCS that's great, if not that's ok too but take these guys advice....they dont know what they are talking about. The reason people are hating on AZCS is either they came to our site talking...
  20. B

    Tops for Toys

    Dont think sub mods here anymore since the whole deal with gypsy, he is still listed but even recently he was saying he doesnt bother here anymore.