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  1. R

    BC Bud Depot

    your obviously jealous you moron, or you wouldnt have opened your mouth,lol And whats the difference between you and me???I'm a "real grower".... your a tool!!!,go away little man with your home grown shit seeds,hahahaha.Tryin to even compare your shit to canabis cup winner shows what a ZERO you...
  2. R

    BC Bud Depot

    Your a clown bobo....hahahahaha!!!!These guys rip off more idiot americans than you can shake a stick at, and your on their side,see how fucking stupid you ppl are??Exactly why your so bitter and in the place your in.I have no problems getting seeds or growing pot.If I get busted they just take...
  3. R

    BC Bud Depot

    BAHAHAHAHA,you fucking american loser....bitter cause it worked for me:)And one up for the guys who get ripped by them time and time, and your on their side???.Sond like a pussy ass licker to me,lmao
  4. R

    BC Bud Depot

    hey fuck face,they're from Canada and set up in Amsterdam...fuck'n dummies,|american right???lol
  5. R

    Royal Queen auto Dwarf Newbie

    Well,you are a 1st time grower.You have to learn the hard way unfortunately.Lighting is very important.Anything less than 250 watts is kinda useless.I dont even bother with that even.400-600 HPS and your in business:)
  6. R

    Police followed me home from the Post Office with my Attitude Seed Order!

    HAAHAHAHA,You poor Americans got it rough man.Your Police are so over the top pathetic its bot even funny.So damn glad I live in Canada.I know cops who smoke themselves,thats no even a joke,lmao
  7. R

    BC Bud Depot

    There prob' a mix a junk seeds,I'm %100 sure of it.I will never buy off them again for the experience I had with them.There are major thieves and scam artists.They extorted $40.00 from me because I told them I wanted delivery with insurance and tracking #.They sent my order out a week...