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  1. W

    The Weed Nerd~

    ^ for real.
  2. W

    The Weed Nerd~

    well put.....
  3. W

    The Weed Nerd~

    this is reguarding Weeden Dave's lemon juice spray for PM i don't have PM in my indoor, but im looking for ways to control it when i do my outdoor garden this year. question: if im using fresh lemon juice, should i "dumb down" the ratio?? just a thought? thanks again, sub, and all my nerd...
  4. W

    The Weed Nerd~

    all good, up and running.
  5. W

    The Weed Nerd~

    i went with this instead, deleted limechat. but now i guess im looking for the chat room? this it?
  6. W

    The Weed Nerd~

    yup im lost again. the command is showing error. /j#theweednerd
  7. W

    The Weed Nerd~

    so i d/l limechat once that was loaded, pick your screen name, type in the channel Theweednerd. i didnt do this, but i did type in the command sub put up: /j#theweednerd and all worked fine..... good luck
  8. W

    The Weed Nerd~

    im trying to figure out the mac thing now. ill update as i go.
  9. W

    The Weed Nerd~

    yes, zbubbah, that plush looks bad as fuck!! i just popped the last three of mine. so far 2/5 have been male. give me something to look forward too. damn nice job
  10. W

    The Weed Nerd~

    thanks for the input. im not budding w/ the sun. just the males are seeing the sun light. i just want to collect pollen, to make my own seed bank....of plushberry, and space bomb. i was going to try some minor crossing, this summer, using my outdoor crop. scared to put any pollen in my flower...
  11. W

    The Weed Nerd~

    so i have the space bomb male, and i want to harvest some pollen. i just flipped it giving it over 24 hours of darkness. i only did 24 straight, due to the fact that the only light i am using is the sun. i have a great south face house which allows tons of sunlight in. and around 6 pm ill move...
  12. W

    The Weed Nerd~

    thanks for answering my question. i have a male space bomb, and two plushberry males i would like to get some pollen from. not for crossing, but to make some Space Bomb, Plush....keep the genetics. thanks again.
  13. W

    The Weed Nerd~

    do you feed male flowering plants, the same as females?
  14. W

    The Weed Nerd~

    yo sub, im sure you've read already....but all those raids, in and around denver, were on illegal houses. shipping all the meds out of state via USPS. just a bunch of dumb fuckers. supposedly
  15. W

    The Weed Nerd~

    no worries. i just had to use the "cultivating mass", that i stole from Sunny in Philadelphia. Nerd vids are very informative, keep up the great work. oh, how early can you tell a difference in growth patterns with the plushberry's? i popped two beans about a month and a half ago, along w/...
  16. W

    The Weed Nerd~

    yo sub, no more shots of you "cultivating mass" at the gym ha, ha....just giving you some shit. thanks for the genetics! Space Queen dom vortex @ 7 weeks. V4
  17. W

    The Weed Nerd~

    this is what i call V4, it's the Space Queen dom pheno @ 6 weeks in.
  18. W

    The Weed Nerd~

    thanks, i think you answered my question!
  19. W

    The Weed Nerd~

    nice thanks Sub, been looking forward to a new video. quick question, and im pretty sure you havent answered it yet......? you mentioned a big bud pheno of the space bomb, is it pretty common for that to show up, or is it all coming from a long veg? i only have 2 space bomb(picture #3) plants...
  20. W

    The Weed Nerd~

    Knowledge Reign Supreme