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  1. Master of the Kush

    Need to find that green!

    I know that this probably against the rules but I'm running out of resources. I recently moved to the Boulder, Colorado area and I'm almost out of weed :o I've been asking people around town but I haven't had any luck yet finding any. If anyone knows how I can get a bag in...
  2. Master of the Kush

    Leaf Issues Help!

    Can you provide pictures? It will be easier to tell.
  3. Master of the Kush

    Freezer Grow

    Bump. Still need help!
  4. Master of the Kush

    My First Grow: Northern Lights

    How many grams do you predict on getting?
  5. Master of the Kush

    Freezer Grow

    Sorry for the delay. here are the pictures.
  6. Master of the Kush

    Freezer Grow

    It's a standing freezer. I will get some pictures up tonight, hopefully it will help!
  7. Master of the Kush

    First Mushroom Grow!

    I've just been air drying. Is this wrong and will it cause any problems?
  8. Master of the Kush

    Freezer Grow

    Excellent ideas so far. I will get some pictures on here tonight!
  9. Master of the Kush

    Freezer Grow

    I am converting an old freezer for a grow op. I need help figuring out my ventilation issues. Anyoneo have any ideas?
  10. Master of the Kush

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Btw, what is the best way to dry shrooms?
  11. Master of the Kush

    Help for a Newbie trying to improve everything.

    Agreed I am more then happy to help but your post is to long. Break down your problems into bullet points so we can address them.
  12. Master of the Kush

    *Cold* Winter Grow *Cold*

    Looks great man keep us posted with updates!
  13. Master of the Kush

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Thanks everyone! I appreciate all the positive feedback :) I would highly suggest doing this because it's super easy and totally awesome :)
  14. Master of the Kush

    Metal Gear Solid HD Collection - xbox 360

    I just picked this game up and the remastered HD is awesome!! What are your guys ' thoughts? Does anyone want to play online together?
  15. Master of the Kush

    lighting during flowering

    Get the 2nd 600w hps light! I think it will definitely help ;)
  16. Master of the Kush

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Trip report: Me and a bunch of friend tried these out last week. Each ate half an eighth. Took them at 10pm and tripped till like 4 am! They were pretty damn good and they impressed me :)
  17. Master of the Kush

    whats going on with my plants

    I had the same problem when I was using nutes and i nearly killed my plants. I stopped using them all together and things have been just fine! I would definitely suggest toning down on them though....
  18. Master of the Kush

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Not entirely sure. My girlfriend bought the package on the internet and didn't really give me to much info other than the spores were from Thailand. Also here's a some more pics of some finished products!
  19. Master of the Kush

    First Mushroom Grow!

    I just wanted to show everyone my first mushroom grow. Check it out! Thailand strain