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  1. N

    Help please!

    Okay, So im going to go to the store here soon to pick up 23w cfls at 5000k. and 23w cfls at 3000k. Im growing only one plant, so if I run 2-3 of the 5000k and 1-2 3000k for the seedling/veg life, and switch over to 2 3000k bulbs and 1 5000k for the budding stage. Sound okay? As far as "aiming"...
  2. N

    Welcome New Members!

    Ive decided to run 3 6500-6700k CFL's (the ones that say like 'sunlight' or whatever) and one 2700k (i believe?) the "warm whites" to get the red end of the spectrum. Then when switching the plant from veg into "puberty" im going to run 3 2700k CFLs and 1 6500 - 6700K to give it more red then...
  3. N

    Help please!

    I am planning to start a one plant grow lab using CFL's. Any help or tips would be greatly apprecated. I mainly need help with how many CFL's I will need like, would maybe around...3-4 combined with the reflector cone directed at the plant at a distance of about..say...4-6" be okay?
  4. N

    Welcome New Members!

    Most definately. Im going soil based because hydro and aero are out of the question. As far as space goes, there is plenty, with slight adjustments to existing furnature of course ;D Then, as far as soil goes, Organic soil, perlite, and compost in the 5 -5 -2 mixture, and if any nutrient...
  5. N

    Welcome New Members!

    What's up, im a first time grower and I would like some advice on a few things. Money is a bit of an issue, so for right now, I cant dump a load of money right now. But im also not looking to go a cheap route. You know? Anyway, I need a good referral on a good lamp for growing, I was looking...