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  1. L

    shitty yeild

    gold label coco 30% perlite to 70% coco with clay pebbles on the bottom of 3 gal pots
  2. L

    shitty yeild

    may be something spoiled in my product line of nutrients... seeing how most have some sort of living organisms in them... thats the only thing i can think of
  3. L

    shitty yeild

    i got 4 good batches out of my last bulb and its only used durring flower i have a 1000 watt halide i veg with
  4. L

    shitty yeild

    this batch has a brand new bulb in it, thanks for the quick responses... thats funny all 4 of you said the exact same thing
  5. L

    shitty yeild

    been growing for almost 6 years now and lately my last 2 crops have decreased TREMDOUSLY in yeild and i can not for the life of me figure out the cause heres the stats H&G A+B drip clean root excel algen extract multi zyme top booster bud xl shooting powder head master cal mag magic green...