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  1. I

    Welcome New Members!

    my plant is getting pretty big but the stem is still realy thin what could i do to help it out. one of my friends told me to get a fan so i have to get one. right now the plant is about 7 inches tall and still only has the first four leafs would this be because of the lack of ventalation...
  2. I

    forcing to flower early?

    how to you force the plants to start flowering what kind of ilight scedual should they be on. how long does this usualy take.
  3. I

    First Time

    the colset im growing in has shevles on the side shold i just put a fan on the side near the top and bottom. where can i get little fans for my closet that are not to loud. any ideas? thankx
  4. I

    First Time

    right now the soil in the pot is magic plantation potting soil mix and normal potting soil right now they are under 1 small floresant light the only tricky thing would be ventalation, would i be able to use a small computerfan at the top of the closet?
  5. I

    First Time

    i just germinated some seeds the otherday and put them in plastic cups i have one light bout 6 inches from them. the closet im growing in is 2/2/5 is this a big enough for one or two plants?? any help will be good