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  1. G

    Midwest Guerilla Bagseed Pt.1

    Bump/Update: Im fairly certain my math is off and I puffed one too many when I was at the store originally and grabbed a wrong guano which skewwed my P and my K is wayy low I realized (my weighted averages was something along the lines of like 5-6-0.25, but, again, spectulation on my math). A...
  2. G

    Midwest Guerilla Bagseed Pt.1

    Welcome. I've finally decided to do an outdoors spot this year despite being blanketed by clay across the region and unpredictable weather. This is the modified recipe I worked up but I know a few things are missing that I'm forgetting that I just can't think of. I'm making a store run in the...
  3. G

    Growin Local

    I guess i should of mentioned that my daily commute is 2 hours, with two different ways through 2 states. So its a fairly large "local" area I have available.
  4. G

    Growin Local

    Welcome back to the "Keeping It Local" show! If you're just tuning in, thanks for joining us. I've finally decided to do an outdoors spot this year despite being blanketed by clay across the region and unpredictable weather. This is the modified recipe I worked up but I know a few things are...
  5. G

    Indoor Pumpkin Grow Under CFL's.

    subbed! Interested to see how this all works out for ya. Good luck
  6. G

    Welcome New Members!

    You can accomplish so much more when your actually prepared. Least that's my crazy thinking. haha
  7. G

    Welcome New Members!

    Just wanted to introduce myself; been doing my research over the past couple months, and I've definitely learned alot. Unfortunately its all theory for another month or two till I get everything together. Ive changed my design multiple times after reading different things from everybody. (Orig...