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  1. D

    CFL Micro DWC PC Grow

    "I think hydroponics is a pain in the ass. Other than the construction of the systems, it's a pain in the ass. You have to pH balance your water, then you have to add every primary & secondary nute, and trace minerals on a feeding schedule. Bubbleponics makes this a pain unless you have jugs...
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    230 Watt CFL

    UPDATE: Well, they are starting to swell and hairs are turning colors now. Prob gonna go with plain water after this last feed. Trich's still mostly clear and some cloudy. Enjoy the bud porn!
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    230 Watt CFL

    Update: Still stretching and no sign of even being close except trich production has picked up but still budding out. 3-4 weeks prob..
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    230 Watt CFL

    Thanks! I started them in small 4 cup containers but moved them over to 2.8 Gallon containers after three weeks. They veg'd for about three more weeks and put em on 12/12. They are strecthing still so not sure how tall all the cola's will be though as i'm sure this is sativa dominant. They have...
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    230 Watt CFL

    The thread i started last month got deleted so i thought i'd post an update anyways. I started with three plants but two turned out male. This is the last one and I took three clones. They are doing well. Organic grow and all has went pretty good.. Plants are on week three of flower and veg'd...
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    Show Off You're Grow Room

    My little clone and veggie box.... Lol...
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    Getting seeds from last plant for storage

    What ppm do you recommend if you you start with 000ppm water? I'll have to look back at the documentation and find it but i think it was about 90 or so?
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    Getting seeds from last plant for storage

    Ty DarkDestruction. I basically researched this whole process and it's exactly what i'm gonna do. Thank you for the post though. :-)
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    I think they may make it... Should I trim?

    Ok, my custom light fell and squashed one completely, burnt the side of to of them, and totally stunted the last one. It,s been five days or so since it happened. Two are fine but the third one just looks like crap and has hardly grown. I'm sure the light sitting directly on them prob did it...
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    Getting seeds from last plant for storage

    Got a few I'm getting ready to try,,, space bomb, DNA-lemon skunk, DP blueberry
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    Getting seeds from last plant for storage

    I got it figured out. Just got an old sativa from my dads stash from the 70's and want to get some seed from this great plant with monster head high. I got it all covered now. Thanks though.
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    Getting seeds from last plant for storage

    Hmmmm.... This site is not that helpful. Never have had the few questions I have answered.
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    Getting seeds from last plant for storage

    I have a some plants that i just pulled and also took clones from all four and now i have two clones from a very nice plant. I want to use collodial silver to induce self pollination so i can store the seed. What negative effect will there be on my seed? I don't mind germinating a bunch of seeds...
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    I think they may make it... Should I trim?

    BTT .. Plants are starting to take off and those two leaves are about all the way yellow/dead now. Should i get rid of them? This one: The leaves on these are fine i think.
  15. D

    I think they may make it... Should I trim?

    Ok, I can't seem to link the URL on these pics so here are the direct links. At least till I figure out how to get the image stuff to work. I just really want to know if i need to remove the two leaves on the one bad plant.
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    I think they may make it... Should I trim?

    I bought some Scott's soil and germinated three different types of good bagseed(I always save the really nice looking ones from good smoke) and after 4 days they all popped up. Was doing good till the first water and it hit em pretty good. No Scotts anymore. Local store has FoxFarms I found out...
  17. D

    Did Ron Paul Win Iowa, Nevada, Minnesota, Colorado and Missouri?

    No, we should just keep printing more paper money and one day his gold will be worth 10,000 times you idiot. Smart people hedge a portion of assets in gold to hedge against inflation. Any smart broker will recommend that if your worth something.
  18. D

    Did Ron Paul Win Iowa, Nevada, Minnesota, Colorado and Missouri?

    That post earlier is just total BS. People are so afraid of giving power back to the states. States always do a better job. The people have more of a direct voice to state government and I feel appropriate tax money more efficiently. (and please don't start giving me numbers of states in...
  19. D

    Micro-Grow flowering! (Light distance from plant! Slight Discolouration) "DWC Help"

    Ok. Just saw that you listed as DWC. So not sure as I only grow soil. I still think potassium lockup or deficiency though.