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  1. M

    Color Change Pipe

    Theres nothing wrong with resin. Yeah I tried the blacklight, but mine sucks, so I couldnt really see anything.
  2. M

    Color Change Pipe

    Where I am from ive never heard anyone say its spelt however. Its spelled however is how I hear it.
  3. M

    Color Change Pipe

    But you arent using it in the past tense, so isnt it spelled
  4. M

    Color Change Pipe

    I dont want a bowl that looks like theres resign in it. I want to know if theres anyway to see what my bowl will look like after the resign is all built up in it, without the actual resign in it yet.
  5. M

    Color Change Pipe

    I dont know if I made it clear but I was wondering if there was anyway to see what it will look like with all the resign build up, but without the actual resign in it yet. Hahah after reading my post I screwed it all up. I mean after not before
  6. M


    coke or pepsi
  7. M

    Color Change Pipe

    I know that resign makes your bowl appear to change color, but I was wondering if there is anyway to see what it will look like before all the resign build up. Might be a stupid question but I was just wondering.