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  1. C

    What set of nutrients do you use? Cost doesn't matter.

    What set of nutrients do you use? Cost doesn't matter.
  2. C

    What's your opinion on these...

    What's your opinion on these?
  3. C

    HELP!!!!! Week 2 of flowering :(

    Do you have a favored product in mind?
  4. C

    HELP!!!!! Week 2 of flowering :(

    Thanks alot, I'm definitely gonna add you. Your in SoCal lol Central Cal here :P
  5. C

    HELP!!!!! Week 2 of flowering :(

    Whats a good thing to use for trace nutrients? and is Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, SuperThrive and Monster Bloom fine?
  6. C

    HELP!!!!! Week 2 of flowering :(

    I was giving it Grow Big and Big Bloom. I thought it may of needed to be flushed but when I did that it only got worse. I'm not giving it Brow Big and Tiger bloom since i'm in flowering. The miracle grow is all purpose liquifeed
  7. C

    HELP!!!!! Week 2 of flowering :(
  8. C

    HELP!!!!! Week 2 of flowering :(

    My PH is 6.4 and I have fox farm nutes along with SuperThrive and some miracle grow. It's a SFV kush.
  9. C

    HELP!!!!! Week 2 of flowering :(

    IDK what the issue is, Im having 1 big issue with 1 plant and the others are fine. I thought maybe it needed to be flushed but I want second opinions. I have 13 other plants and each plant has about 3-4 of these Can anyone help me??????? PLZ???????
  10. C

    CjMcGirt's First Grow!

    Day 32 Update... if anyone cares Well nothing bad has taken place except for my heater somehow turning and facing directly onto one of plants, killed about 4-5 inches of two branches :( Giving them the same fox farm nutes with some miracle grow and GrowStrive. No negative effects on anything...
  11. C

    CjMcGirt's First Grow!

    DAY 25 I've been giving them nutrients at full strength now with no negative effects. They have bushed out alot since I fimmed them and they are starting to get taller again. 2 of the toxic punch are growing a bit slowly :( All the others are doing very well. Opinions please.. :P
  12. C

    CjMcGirt's First Grow!

    3 day mini update!Just wanted to some sort of update so people may notice this thread so when I have questions they can answer them :P Still haven't been given any nutrients, no color changes in leaves their still dark green, so I didn't want give them anything since I see no deficiencies Just...
  13. C

    CjMcGirt's First Grow!

    anyone????? Plz
  14. C

    One man and his bush - 1 plant SCROG in Stealth Cab - Chocolate Berry

    I just read every single page of this over the last 5 hours and I don't regret 1 second of it :)
  15. C

    CjMcGirt's First Grow!

    Oh (newbie alert) as I said I have 14 plants and a 5x5x8 tent. What method should I use to grow these? (major newb alert) such as topping, scrogging, LST, fimming? I have been doing research on research on EVERYTHING but i just don't know what method would be best. Thanks. :)
  16. C

    CjMcGirt's First Grow!

    I got some clones 12/29/11 and this is gonna be my first grow so lets hope all is well. Working with a 6x6x8 tent and a 1000 watt hps bulb. I also have a heater and an oscillating fan in there. The temp stays at 80 and goes to 75 at night. Just transplanted them to their permanent homes on New...