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  1. 2

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    i used to get regs for about 70 an oz and mids for 90 an oz to cheap to buy some fire just smoked what my buddys.
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    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    Regs= regular weed Dro= hydro= hydroponics
  3. 2

    After Flowering

    I thought once the plant starts flowering that you couldnt revert it back to the veg state.
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    Leaves pointing up?

    FYI on my plant im not talking about just the upper leaves im talking about all the leaves on the whole plant. it looked like the whole plant just folded up. and heres a lesson from the skool of me, get all the info before you open your mouth.
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    Lowryder #2 bed grow

    Yeah they are almost exactly a month old from the time they sprouted and were put in the ground. i guess im not cut out for this growing stuff, but it sure is fun watching them grow.
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    Lowryder #2 bed grow

    alright i think i got this figured out. Sorry if i am posting in the wrong forum i just figured id ask some people that knew a little something about it. i dunno if you can see it to good in the pictures but some of the leaves look a little burned i think from over fert? Also these seeds were...
  7. 2

    Lowryder #2 bed grow

    im curious to see what your lr2s look like now. Ive got 3 growing now, i think they are a little over a month old its my first grow. i go feminized seeds but is there still a chance they could be male? when do buds start showing on them? ill post a pic of mine if i can figureout how to do it.
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    Leaves pointing up?

    Thanx, i didnt know that. I solved my heat issue with 4 inch pvc i had laying around and some computer fans one intake one exhaust. doesnt move as much air as a high dollar unit but gets the job done and was free since i had the parts laying around already. dont have to worry about the cold...
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    Leaves pointing up?

    i think its heat cause my grow closet was 86 degrees and i added some more lights and when i checked on them again it was 108 degrees and the leaves were straight up in the air
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    First Grow Skunk#1/Mango/KC 33/Thai Haze, Advice Appreciated

    How old is the lowryder in the pic?