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  1. L

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Irish grower here!
  2. L

    Is it true???

    thats what i was thinking" area " but they dont list it like that.
  3. L

    Is it true???

    I will always tie! I had the two plants and took the weekest smallest one and tied it down. Now its the larger plant and the widest! I can tell a HUGE differance between the two... especially since I tied the smaller weeker one.
  4. L

    Is it true???

    wow thanks for all the input!
  5. L

    Is it true???

    well im going to do hydro with lots of space the best nutes i can find ill take any ideas on those and do everything by the book. Ill be using 2 1000w lights for my 12 then add light if needed. i have space and time do to my ailment.
  6. L

    Is this normal!??

    Ok im back with more problems. I actually thought my problem had been solved when I raised my light but I dont think that will solve the problem. reason... my light 400w hps was about a foot and a half away when this problem began. So I raised it to 3ft. where I read some where, but after...
  7. L

    Is it true???

    The light of jah is listed as a indoor plant.
  8. L

    Is it true???

    So I am a new grower, and have a quick question... Ok so, I am going to be buying some seeds off line "light of jah" and it says it produce's up too 26 ounces.. ok well I know conditions are everything, but if I were to grow hydroponically and really gave my 100% to grow these things properly...
  9. L

    Is this normal!??

    i just re-measured my light and it wasent 3 feet away anymore. i think that was it because it was only the tippy top of the plant that was having the issues. As far as humidity goes im not to sure about my meter. i think ill put my humidifier in there for awhile. Thanks so much guys for your help!!!
  10. L

    Is this normal!??

    k . 45% humidity. 400 watt hps 3 feet from top of plant. i use pro-mix soil and reciepe for success food. following all directions . ph is 6.8
  11. L

    Is this normal!??

    what info do u need?
  12. L

    Is this normal!??

    This morning I woke up and turned on my lights and saw this on my top cola. I have 2 green crack that have been flowering since 1-21-12 under a 400 watt hps in good conditions. Fed weekly. Maybe its nothing, but again it could be serious. All comments appreciated! This is my first grow. It is a...