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  1. CultivatorOfMary666

    Topping the day before flowering?

    What everyones opinions??
  2. CultivatorOfMary666

    Flowering at A young age???

    Whats everyones opinion on flowering a plant 6 1/2inches tall an only 4 sets of leafs??? :leaf:
  3. CultivatorOfMary666

    Male or Female

    Its hard to tell it looks like resin build up on the plant but it dont look to far into flowering to tell...but then again who know lol.... "KEEP GROWING"!!!
  4. CultivatorOfMary666

    How an what to use to tie my plant??

    SHe starting to lean from weight...So what kinda stuff do i use an how do I tie her up so she dont break on herself??
  5. CultivatorOfMary666

    Do you guys think this plant will recover ???

    I would transplant as soon as you can it dont look like you got much soil or room for her to breath..But if you can do that an just keep her watered when you need to an let her do her thing you should be alright..she is till standing so she good for now...Just make sure you got lots of fresh air...
  6. CultivatorOfMary666

    Sativa or Indica?? Any Opinions??

    thats what I was thinking lol... Thanks.
  7. CultivatorOfMary666

    Sativa or Indica?? Any Opinions??

    She is 3 weeks old today 1/29/ whats ur opinion indica or sativa??
  8. CultivatorOfMary666

    Ok Question about set of leaves??

    Thanks for the congrats lol
  9. CultivatorOfMary666

    Ok Question about set of leaves??

    Right I plan to get lights first before the hydro kit Im set back a savings just for for the watering i water till it drains out the bottom as ur suppost to but ill let her dry for 4 to 5 days like i water on sat last week an she didnt need another watering till wensday...i have a scale i...
  10. CultivatorOfMary666

    Tell me what you think about this Idea!!!!

    ya thats why im sure ill wait till I got a good light soure when I can afford it lol...
  11. CultivatorOfMary666

    Tell me what you think about this Idea!!!!

    I have milar on the edge an white wall behind.. so she getting good reflection
  12. CultivatorOfMary666

    Ok Question about set of leaves??

    basic miracle grow im on a low budget right now just got a job today so ill be doing better soon lol....
  13. CultivatorOfMary666

    Tell me what you think about this Idea!!!!

    Lol im on a low budget right now just got a job today so soon ill be getting better lighting but all im using is a 23watt cfl an 65watt plant bulb with a blue tint an a 2foot 23watt floresent..not much but its a small closet so it does its job i got pics of her on my on a 4foot by 5...
  14. CultivatorOfMary666

    Ok Question about set of leaves??

    Ill up date new pics on sunday when her 3rd week is over..
  15. CultivatorOfMary666

    Ok Question about set of leaves??

    Yup she is on her 3rd set of leafs an working on her 4th...I have a few pics on my profile..
  16. CultivatorOfMary666

    Tell me what you think about this Idea!!!!

    WOW AMAZING BEAUTIFULL!!!....But I been vegging for 3weeks almost an I only got till april to finish this grow before family shows up...what the average time it takes to finish??? an will it hurts my young plant to do it already she only has 3 sets of leafs..
  17. CultivatorOfMary666

    Ok Question about set of leaves??

    Thanks Ive done lots of reading on growing lol....but thats why i started this thread was to see what people thought..get some idea's se what people think..
  18. CultivatorOfMary666

    Tell me what you think about this Idea!!!!

    No thanks maybe on another plant sometime just to see how it goes..I hear you yield less cause it dont grow as tallbut really good if its for self usage this is my first true grow so Im taking it easy...going by the book...but thanks for the idea..any books or anything on 12/12 from start...
  19. CultivatorOfMary666

    Ok Question about set of leaves??

    Ya!! but ther is so much debate on wiether those leaves should be considered the first set since they die off so fast...Those leaves are used more for absorbing sun light in the start of the plant life to help the first set of multi leaves produce after that they have absolutly no use they get...
  20. CultivatorOfMary666

    Ok Question about set of leaves??

    What would you consider the first set of leaves??? The first set thats defined after the round sun leafs or the first set to have more then 1 leaf on it???