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  1. F

    Weed songs

    Any thing by Jimmy Hendrix is always great
  2. F

    Ok, story time! "The worst time I got caught ever"

    Ive havent ever really been caught, and i hope i never am. But i have had some pretty close calls. The second or third time i had ever smoked, we were in my garage and smoked several bowls. One of my friends was also barred out, so he was really messed up and he dropped the pipe on the ground...
  3. F

    to vaporize or not to vaporize

    Ive used several types of vaporizers; the simple box kinds, and the volcano type with the bag. All of them ive tried are great. Another alternative you might like uses any regular bong. All you need is a certain bowl which is over sized, about 2 inches tall and an 1 1/2 inch wide i believe and a...
  4. F

    What Are You Smoking Right Now?

    Right now ive got AK-47 and this great stuff called salmon creek. Luckily, i guess they let a male go just alittle to long, and there were a couple seeds in this last batch of salmon creek, one of which i have growing right now. My friend got a half pound and only found like 8 seeds, so i was...
  5. F

    Grow Box Design

    Thanks, that sounds alot better than the 12+ amps needed for all the HID lamps ive looked at since where i want it is on the same circuit as a fridge and tv and a bunch of other stuff.
  6. F

    Grow Box Design

    Im going to use 1/2'' mdf, i think its about 10 a sheet, and its strong and pretty easy to work with. you just need a table saw to keep everything square. this is the parts list ive come up with so far, to make a simple hydroponic system. most things will be bought at home depot and petsmart...
  7. F

    Questions about Cooking with peanut butter and crackers.

    when you cook with weed, it takes longer to set in, but it usually lasts longer. Its also a different kind of high than smoking, at least for me. Ive tried that before, and i got fairly high, its a lot easier than making cannabutter, but it doesnt work quite as good. but i used less weed than...
  8. F

    Grow Box Design

    I have just recently become interested in growing my own bud. A couple weeks ago, my drunk roommate threw a bunch of mids seeds in a jar and threw some dirt on them, and some how they sprouted and we were able to transplant them into individual pots and keep them alive. I also have 2 Salmon...