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  1. S

    Anyone have experience with companion planting?

    I have not had to actually plant them for 7 years. They come back in droves every year. I just dig and transplant into pots. When I plant the rest of my garden I stickem where I want them. Then they go to seed and it starts all over. I use only neem as pest control the rest is all natural
  2. S

    Anyone have experience with companion planting?

    I know it was mentioned before but marigolds are one of the best because of the natural pyrethrums they contain. Outdoors borage is a much under used herb. It attracts a multitude of parasitic wasps. I use both of these along with garlic in my veggie garden with much success !
  3. S

    Why do you choose to grow organic?

    No NPK are elements which can be derived chemically or naturally. So my organic natural derived NPK is better than your amonia and salt based NPK fert. Lol
  4. S

    Why do you choose to grow organic?

    Right on KDog. Thanks for the responses everyone. Intersting to see some of the different reasons.
  5. S

    Soil / compost tea....?

    As long as it is a true tea and not a nute solution, no you can not over do it.
  6. S

    Soil / compost tea....?

    Don't be afraid to try different things either. I don't always use molasas as a sugar source, honey works well. A little beer, garlic, tums, apple juice, all these have bennifical elements which help to build soil.
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    Why do you choose to grow organic?

    For me it's simple, everything tastes better when given what mother nature intended for her plants to eat. Over 20 years ago I was a conventional veggie farmer and used every chemical under the sun in my production. When I tasted my first heirloom Black Tula tomato grown organically I new then I...
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    Growing Mediums (soil) in the UK

    I think if you have the means it's better to make your own. JMO
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    List of NPK Values for Organic Materials--Make Your Own Nutrients or Designer Compost

    No bury. I use T posts with pallets for the sides and back. Chicken wire for the front. 3" PVC pipe with holes drilled sticking out of the top like a smoke stack. Gets ventilation to center of pile.
  10. S

    Soil / compost tea....?

    For me the tea is a microbe booster. I like to have all my nutes in my soil mix. Tea, tea, rain water. It's what works for me.
  11. S

    Gnat Control

    I have pulverized egg shell in my soil mix ( powdered in a blender ) works like DE. I also make an insectacidle soap that takes care of an outbreak. I'm oldschool like Jerry Baker lol. 2 T Garlic juice 1 T Habenaro juice 2 T Dawn dish soap 1 gallon water Can be used as a spray on non...
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    List of NPK Values for Organic Materials--Make Your Own Nutrients or Designer Compost

    Just remember to keep things simple. Every mans compost is different. Find what works best for you. Don't be discouraged by failures. Learn from them and move forward. I prefer to make my compost on the ground not in raised bins. On the ground invites worms and other microbes to join the party!
  13. S

    First post, fought I would share my experience

    Here is what I got. Several different stages here. One experimental Lilly pop ready in a day or so and a couple just went in and a few in the middle of flower. This is one of my Jacks swelling up nicely.
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    First post, fought I would share my experience

    As far as using the soil for more than one grow, no. The root mas and spent soil do go into another compost pile which inturn gets used in the veggie feild.
  15. S

    First post, fought I would share my experience

    My measurements are not exact but I'm pretty sure it's about 3 quarts. I use an old chicken feed pan to measure lol! Watering times vary. I try and create a more real scenario for the plants so depending on the ambient temp and the finger test in the bottom of the pot. Using less perlite than...
  16. S

    First post, fought I would share my experience

    My mushroom medium is straw. After fruiting the straw is half the mass is broken down. Edible shrooms are primary composters so they have already started the compost of the straw at an accelerated rate. From there I pile it and let the worms do the rest of the work along with all the other good...
  17. S

    First post, fought I would share my experience

    I will post pics this evening when lights come on. I don't keep track of days in flower either, there done when there done lol. What I have in my cabinet is Jack Herer , skunk #1, and strawberry cough. Old scoop strains for an old timer. The skunk and jack I started sometime in the late 90s and...
  18. S

    First post, fought I would share my experience

    Many years ago an old friend told me growing in a pot is no different than growing in the earth as long as you can provide everything your plant will need in that pot. I have never been an advocate of salt based ferts. My soil mix 40 pounds spent mushroom soil ( I grow oyster and wine caps ) 5...
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    First post, fought I would share my experience

    Oh I also have my 21 page thesis on micro nutrients I wrote for my MS in plant science , if anyone needs a good read to put them to sleep lol.
  20. S

    First post, fought I would share my experience

    I am entering my 16th year of organic farming. I farm everything from asparagus to Zuchini ( and yes marijuana). I use the same soil mix for everything. I have been lurking and reading here for some time now and what I have noticed is alot of people try and make organics more difficult than it...