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  1. D

    When should I harvest? PICS

    Hi, I'm about 8 weeks into flowering my Lemon Skunk. This is my first harvest, which I have no intentions on really buying a magnifying glass or anything until my second grow. These pics were taken a couple days ago, and as of now the hairs are about 40% red. I just need a fair estimate of when...
  2. D

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    Yeah, she seems pretty fine now. Just time for a bigger pot for the last month I'd say. Thanks a bunch! (:
  3. D

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    Phosphorus deficiency?! Tried adding small amout of bloom nutes with 2-7-7 NPK ratio and also lowered the PH of the water a bit. It's been a day and it looks like it hasn't spread very much since, but I can't be sure yet. Lemon Skunk fem, 4 weeks (give or take) into flowering.. Any opinions...
  4. D

    When should I flower?

    Well thank you! That's how I've been watering now which has improved the plant alot! I have about 4x the space of the plant left to grow, so I'm thinking around 6 weeks of veg i'll start to flower. Right now I have 5 23w (equivalent to 100w) mixture of cfls around her, but now I also have a...
  5. D

    When should I flower?

    Hey, it's almost 5 weeks since my Lemon Skunk FEM plant has been growing. I'm growing her under a 400w mixture of 6500/2700k cfls. It's my first grow, so I had a few problems with nute burn (mostly not over-feeding, but I think I wasn't giving my plant enough water for the first couple weeks --...
  6. D

    First grow -- Small plant, at 5 weeks of veg, when should I flower?

    Hey, it's almost 5 weeks since my Lemon Skunk FEM plant has been growing. I'm growing her under a 400w mixture of 6500/2700k cfls. It's my first grow, so I had a few problems with nute burn (mostly not over-feeding, but I think I wasn't giving my plant enough water for the first couple weeks --...
  7. D

    Do I have enough light for my plants?

    Thanks, i'll leave it on during the night from now on. I noticed the bottom leaves are a bit more yellow looking than the rest of the plant. Could this cause the leaves to be drooping also?
  8. D

    Do I have enough light for my plants?

    I'm currently growing one, 4 week old Lemon Skunk and two Lemon Kush seedlings. I have them in a 3 foot space in the top of my closet. I have 3, 100w-6500k cfls, and 2, 125w-2700k cfls. I also have a 12" fan blowing on them during light hours (18/6). Is this okay for the grow?
  9. D

    Planted seeds stopped sprouting?

    The other day, I germinated 3 seeds, using the papertowel method which I have never had a problem with. They all formed roots about 1/4" long. I planted them into the same Seed & Cutting soil I've been using for my 4 week old Lemon Skunk since day 1. I burried the seeds over with a light layer...
  10. D

    My first grow -- Bottom leaves drooping, and yellow spots on top leaves?

    The watering is an issue for me. I know you're supposed to let it dry out between waterings. Which I do try to do. But she just seems to dry up so quick. When I notice, I still leave her for about a day before watering again.. I'll just give some more space in between, cut down on the nutes and...
  11. D

    My first grow -- Bottom leaves drooping, and yellow spots on top leaves?

    That's true, I started feeding her at about a week, but used way less than half of the suggested dose. I have the closest cfl light about 2-3" above her, another about 4-5" away for side lighting and the fluorescent light about 6" above. I flushed with plain water and backed the closest light up...
  12. D

    My first grow -- Bottom leaves drooping, and yellow spots on top leaves?

    Hi, just wondering if someone could answer a question for me. My plant is just after 2 weeks from seed, it's Lemon Skunk (FEM), and the bottom leaves seem to be lightening and drooping. Also, one or two of the top leaves have yellow spots around the edges. What is wrong? I heard it could be...
  13. D

    My first grow -- thin stem, and slow growth it seems?

    Thanks for the tips! I was planning on burying the stem deeper so it would hold itself up, and I realized a while after planting that there shouldn't be all the lumps and bark in the soil.
  14. D

    My first grow -- thin stem, and slow growth it seems?

    Hi, my plant is 11 days from seed now (Lemon Skunk). She is about 6 or 7" tall and has what I would say is 2 nodes and her first 4 leaves are getting pretty big, with news ones popping up already, although the stem is quite thin and I have had her propped up with a bamboo stick for about 4 days...