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  1. F

    Help sex

    sorry bro thats male
  2. F

    Little black flying bugs!!

    Ok well i wiped everything down and placed out 3 little bowls of white vinegar and am waiting to see wut happens!
  3. F

    Little black flying bugs!!

    wow let me no if the cinnamon works! if so i'll use that next time
  4. F

    Little black flying bugs!!

    alright then thanks bro! Rep+
  5. F

    Little black flying bugs!!

    wow thanks bro i'll try wut u said right now!!
  6. F

    Little black flying bugs!!

    Omg man i opened my tent today and i saw a bunch of little black fly's flying around! i smashed as many as i could and then i watered the pots and in the bottom tray i noticed tons of little white larva in the tray floating in the excess water!!! :/ Wut can i do to get rid of these things!!! i...
  7. F

    Botanicare Nutrients??

    Thanks a lot bro but what does the bud blood and big bud fall under??
  8. F

    Botanicare Nutrients??

    Ok so i have some: Pure Blend Pro bloom soil formula Pure Blend Pro grow Liquid Karma I also have some Big bud and bud Blood Any advice on how i should apply these??