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  1. P

    Advice/Help Needed

    hi, looks like you r drowning your baby there,it needs air also,squeeze bit of your water out an keep good eye on it,
  2. P

    Seeds popped them disappeared!

    the shoots that come out of the seeds disappeared,i dont have a cat,sneaked up on them there an the sour d,an the just bubblegum have came back out to play so ive put them both into jiffy's so ive everything crossed that they continue on their way to my grinder,thanks for all your help,not/only...
  3. P

    Seeds popped them disappeared!

    i put seeds in kitchen roll i then mist them as ive done loads of times before i repeat this 4-5 times a day,this is done in a propagator with a mat to hold moisture and on day 2 they were starting to shoot so thought happy days got these goin cant wait,wrong day 3 went back for a peek an the we...
  4. P

    Seeds popped them disappeared!

    What's wrong with my English can you not understand abbreviated text that is used these days.I put this in your so called English so you understand what I am saying, if there is any further problems with my text then certainly it is no problem for me to translate it into plain English so you can...
  5. P

    Seeds popped them disappeared!

    i had bullshark,sour deseil,just bubblegum and AKxWW.i soak for 24 hours then put em in k-roll then onto the heated mat in the propagater mist 4-5 times a day just keepin them damp not to damp just not writen nemore cause had full page done there an was talkin bullshark alot f-t it up...
  6. P

    Seeds popped them disappeared!

    need advice asap ppppppplllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzz,done 4 on a heated mat in k-roll has worked 100% this is racking my head
  7. P

    My Super Grow Room

    go to {}they the bizz can buy 1 3 5 10,you get the idear.ive never had a prob.:bigjoint: