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  1. greensamurai420

    Dwc Buckets vs Dwc Tote(Bin)

    Here is an easy DWC set up for 2 plants. Heres what you'll need. 2-14 gal roughneck rubber maid totes. Dont get the cheap plastic ones the break very easily. 1 Dual output air pump. 1 submersable water pump 2 large air stones. 1 roll of black 1/4 tubing. 1 ft of 1 inch vinyl hose. 1 roll of...
  2. greensamurai420

    Welcome! I like your picture and rainbow is right holly hottie radar! :-) happy growing! -GS

    Welcome! I like your picture and rainbow is right holly hottie radar! :-) happy growing! -GS
  3. greensamurai420

    Dwc Buckets vs Dwc Tote(Bin)

    Hey wand! Welcome to the site! The first thing to think about is how much space you have. Are you using a tent or closet? Is space an issue? The easiest DWC system is individual bubble buckets. I would start with that if it is your first time growing simply because you will use less water...
  4. greensamurai420

    Joined the HPS Club. 1 WW 600 watt HPS tent grow.

    Just Lowered the light about 6 inches or so today and i took some more pics, let me know what you think. Also have a couple of pics of my babies that i just transplanted.
  5. greensamurai420

    Joined the HPS Club. 1 WW 600 watt HPS tent grow.

    Just put two fresh cones into my veg tent today as well! 1 very nice looking white widow and 1 little healthy trainwreck Super pumped! I have pics later!
  6. greensamurai420

    Joined the HPS Club. 1 WW 600 watt HPS tent grow.

    Hey All! My last grow I used all CFL's for veg and flower. My results were decent but my buddy kept bugging me saying I'll never get the fat donkey buds if i dont use HPS lights. Well I finally gave in and decided to give it a try. I am also experimenting this time with the sCrog method...
  7. greensamurai420

    First Time Indoor Closet CFL Grow

    My Next grow i am going to scrog as well, this was more of an experiment. the WW is a mainly Indica plant so it wont stretch a ton. These ladies were about 2 feet tall when i put them in 12/12 and id day the stretched another foot or so. WW is a great Indoor plant because it doesn't have a...
  8. greensamurai420

    First Time Indoor Closet CFL Grow

    Hey all, Quick update on the girls, They are smelling so divine its unreal! After talking with a friend ive decided to let them go 9 weeks instead of 8. He says his WW is done in 8 weeks but he uses HPS lighting. the buds are looking very pretty, they arent huge but the are rock hard right...
  9. greensamurai420

    Help with cfl lights!

    That Bubba is ready for 12/12. 2supra4u is right; you should tie that bubba down or use a screen to train it cuz its going to stretch hard for the first 2 weeks or so of 12/12 Depending on the strain they can double in size during 12/12. As for the light: Veg really doesn't need a ton of...
  10. greensamurai420

    First Time Indoor Closet CFL Grow

    Thank you! I am very happy so far. I cant wait to get a taste of it! so close yet so far away!
  11. greensamurai420

    First Time Indoor Closet CFL Grow

    Hey all, Just want to thank you all for the support and kind comments you have given since I joined this forum. This has been my first grow and I must say that I am hooked! Watching these grow girls grow from 2 inch tall clones to the magnificent beauties that have exceeded my expectations...
  12. greensamurai420

    First Time Indoor Closet CFL Grow

    For these plant Its the strain for the most part. The person I got the clones from said his plants did the same. In the tent its about 80 degrees during the day and it doesn't slip below 70 at night.
  13. greensamurai420

    First Time Indoor Closet CFL Grow

    Hey all, Couple of pictures for yall, The girls are looking frosty! Nearing the end of week 5 on 12/12 ive started giving them a nice cocktail of pure unsweetend sodium free CO2 water and 1/2 tsp of molasses and they seem to be loving that. Let me know what ya think. I'm starting to get...
  14. greensamurai420

    First Time Indoor Closet CFL Grow

    It definitely is a jungle in there, its only 2 plants but next time im going to use the SCroG method so i can have an even light canopy for more control and hopefully a better yield. All i have to say tho is if your going to top your plants, use the FIM method, I did it twice to each plant...
  15. greensamurai420

    First Time Indoor Closet CFL Grow

    Hey guys, Thanks for all the positive comments I really appreciate it! The the girls are looking great check out the pics and let me know what yall think. Im including a pic of one of the babies I just transplanted that should be ready to flower very soon after this first harvest! enjoy
  16. greensamurai420

    First Time Indoor Closet CFL Grow

    Just so happens that is the top main cola of the larger left plant. shes starting to fill in nicely and is about 7 inches long right now. I'll have some more pictures tomorrow for yall!
  17. greensamurai420

    First Time Indoor Closet CFL Grow

    Thanks! Just trim some branches that were way below the light canopy. 3 or so more weeks!
  18. greensamurai420

    First Time Indoor Closet CFL Grow

    It is awsome to watch them fill up the grow space, In hindsight I regret not using a SCroG method that would have really helped, but this was more of an experiment to make sure I could get them to actually grow haha. Well I think I answered that question! My next grow will have a scrog to get...
  19. greensamurai420

    First Time Indoor Closet CFL Grow

    sorry about all the attachments i was struggling with the pictures being uploaded facing the wrong direction... fail...
  20. greensamurai420

    First Time Indoor Closet CFL Grow

    Hey guys! Quick update: The flowers have really started to bulk up in the last few days, the crystal production right now is insane! I have heard that White Widow is a huge crystal producer but till you see in first hand you really cant appreciate it. Just pumpped up the ppm Another 150 with...