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  1. X

    You won't solve my 600W HPS Bubbler grow issue

    had similar problem before;turned out the tap water was hooked up to a water softener which removes some minerals (calcium and magnesium) and exchanges it for salt. if the tap water in your area is hard there's a good chance your home or apartment uses a water softener. just something to...
  2. X

    How to foliar feed

    Soap not detergent !!
  3. X

    Basics, Lighting and stages ....

    i think he means 2 ask how much lighting it needs as its growing !! lol when small it wont need much;even 1 cfl is enough....but by flowering u will want @least 100 w per plant...if you want good harvest
  4. X

    How are my ten day old seedlings looking??

    just saw another guy here that did the whole thing and flowered w/ only water....good soil is important :leaf:
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    cmh or hps question

    ok my friend is gokng to just give me the old hps so i'll just get the cmh *or chm??* to and try it....i'll make an experiment once it is all set up and running and let you all know how it works
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    Marijuana Tissue Culture Success!

    i didnt' get it;no message....what do i have to doooooo?? :leaf:
  7. X

    cmh or hps question

    i have 2 1000 w mh already to veg & 2 1000 w hps to flower;just need to know if i should get the cheaper hps aswell or if cmh would be better cause i think i'll need more for flower.
  8. X

    cmh or hps question

    ok i'll get a new socket;don't want to burn the babies. :cuss:that's cause i didn't want to spend the money then and didn't try to hard skunk. And i grew 2 plants outside this winter that was fire;i can do it now that i have all the money i need to get everything i'd ever want to grow more fire...
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    cmh or hps question

    oh and can i use rainwater from outside or should i get only bottled water or just use house water?? confused;i dont have a pph meter :leaf:
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    cmh or hps question

    ok 1 says better;1 says worse....and do i need to buy a new socket if i get cmh?
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    Marijuana Tissue Culture Success!

    I want to pm you but don't know how.Can you message me?
  12. X

    cmh or hps question

    I tried to grow a couple of times without much success mainly cause i was trying things gheto style. Going to change that this attempt an do things right. Thing is I have a chance thoughto buy a used but nice hps from a friend for cheap but he thinks i'd be better off spending money on a cmh...