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  1. S

    need help on my shopping list for my grow room! thanks guys!

    i agree with everyone about using 600w instead of 400w. i have the same grow area as u do and while the 400 worked the 600 did MUCH better. i can get the results i want vegging in 4 weeks with the 600 compared to 6 weeks with the 400. and if u buy it on ebay u can get it alot cheaper than buying...
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    Top 10 auto flower strains

    sweeet..thanks for the tips. i hope to get some pics up soon to show u guys what im workin with.
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    Top 10 auto flower strains

    yeah i found out the hard way with the nutes but luckily on a bagseed plant. i used the recommended dosage and the leaves curled way up started rolling and turned yellow. i removed the top few inches of soiland replaced it and flushed her with the next watering and she perked back up so ever...
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    Top 10 auto flower strains

    yeah i kinda jumped the gun a lil. shoulda done more research on autos but the transpant didnt seem to affect them much. do you have any suggestions on a good soil mix? id like to try guano bc everyone i know swears by it. i also jumped the gun on the soil im using. Miracle grow moisture control...
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    First Auto Grow

    yeah i started them at 24/0 for the first 2 weeks then switched it to 20/4 and they seemed to respond better to 20/4. for a first timer im pretty happy with my results so far. tallest is about 12 inches and the smallest is about 5 but super bushy. im about 4 weeks in now cant wait for harvest...
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    Top 10 auto flower strains

    yeah my next experiment is probably gonna be metal halide to veg and hps to flower. i started them in plastic dixy cups and transplated into 5 gal pots after about 2 weeks so i know my pots are big enough. whats the most youve yielded off an auto?
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    Top 10 auto flower strains

    nice! how do you get yours to grow so fast and bushy? Im at about week 4 now with my 5 diesels and the tallest is 12 inches and shortest being 5. Planning on switching to bloom nutes next feeding and putting them under the 400w hps.
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    Top 10 auto flower strains

    so when do u swtch to the bloom nutes. at first sign of flowering?
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    Top 10 auto flower strains

    ...well u got my drift so why try to come off like a dick about it...i was being lazy. im using 7 6500k 23 watt i believe that each put out 1950 lumens and 4 55 watt 2700k that put out 3150 lumens. . Then i have a 4ft 6500k t5 putting out 10000 not an idiot just a first timer indoors
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    Top 10 auto flower strains

    and most are the right spectrum so idk what hes talking about. alot of people say to use a mix of both spectrums all the way thru anyways so how can it hurt
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    Top 10 auto flower strains

    im just using cfls to veg bc im letting my bro use my hps for another week until his are done...with the amount of light im putting on them now i really dont think using hps would increase my growth in the veg stage. i have over 35000 lumens right now..figure leave it there for a few more days...
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    Top 10 auto flower strains

    yeah i just looked into it...ill have to keep doing research on it. can it be used in reg 5 gal pots just like soil? and use Fox Farm nutes or would i have to get all the other stuff with it?
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    Top 10 auto flower strains

    def gonna have to look into that. you got me excited seeing how much i could potentially yield.
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    How High can a Lowryder go?

    ok..i got 5 lowryder #2 diesels growing now for my first grow. i startedem with a 4 ft t5 and about 10 2000 lumen cfls. their all showing multiple pistols now so im thinking of switching to 400w hps. do u think it would benefit/ hurt me to let them stay under the veg lights a little longer...
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    Top 10 auto flower strains

    wow edsthreads i just checked out your journal...those were beautiful. just curious how many did u have total and what was the final yield. also how long did u use the cfl until u switched to 400w hps. bc thats pretty much along the same lines im going except your soil seems way more advanced...
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    Top 10 auto flower strains

    i just put the flowering bulbs in last night just for shits and giggles bc so many pistols are showing and my bro has my hps that ill be switching to in a day or so. so for the majority of the time they were under the right spectrum. its my first grow so i went cheap with the soil which i think...
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    First Auto Grow

    anyone have any opinions on lowryder diesel auto from joint doctors. i have 5 growing in a 3x3x8 closet under 2 4ft t5s plus 11 cfls. 7 2k lumen veg and 4 3000 lumen flower bulbs. Im at about day 23 and 2 plants are about 11 inches...the other 3 are between 4 and 8. growing in soil in 5 gal...
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    what auto breeders to stay away from?

    anyone have any opinions on lowryder diesel auto from joint doctors. i have 5 growing in a 3x3x8 closet under 2 4ft t5s plus 11 cfls. 7 2k lumen veg and 4 3000 lumen flower bulbs. Im at about day 23 and 2 plants are about 11 inches...the other 3 are between 4 and 8. growing in soil in 5 gal...
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    Top 10 auto flower strains

    anyone have any opinions on lowryder diesel auto from joint doctors. i have 5 growing in a 3x3x8 closet under 2 4ft t5s plus 11 cfls. 7 2k lumen veg and 4 3000 lumen flower bulbs. Im at about day 23 and 2 plants are about 11 inches...the other 3 are between 4 and 8. growing in soil in 5 gal...
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    Joint Dr. Diesel Ryder Review

    nice plants man. im growing 5 of the same right now. have you gotten dried totals off her yet? alot of people talk bad about autos but looks like u rocked it out. what kinda lights did u use?