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  1. M

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hello Guys what do you think about my Babies?
  2. M

    Problem with Pineapple express G13 Please Help!!!

    if this would be that cause then i should have some problem with the Ph...but it is pretty stable ....I don'really now what it was but it looks like they are going better since yesterday...I found different information's regarding this: Hydroton is made from 100% clay and it is PH inert...
  3. M

    Problem with Pineapple express G13 Please Help!!!

    Thank you maps84, The hydroton wasn't used before and I washed with tap water before using it...should I have done it different?
  4. M

    Problem with Pineapple express G13 Please Help!!!

    hello, I am not loosing leaves and they are not twisted,what do u mean with " she's hungry overall." ? Thank you
  5. M

    Problem with Pineapple express G13 Please Help!!!

    Thank you Guys, it started just after i have used Atami bio defense ( the minimum dose 1 ml per liter) which i have sprayed on the leafs could be that the reason? EC is 1.6 ph 5.7 thanks again
  6. M

    Problem with Pineapple express G13 Please Help!!!

    Please Guys I need help :(
  7. M

    Problem with Pineapple express G13 Please Help!!!

    Hello Guys, Unfortunately since a couple of days a few leafs are getting yellow spots.I am on my second grow and I am using a Wilma system Hydroponic in a grow tent with 2x 400 watt MH on 18/24 and i am about to complete the third week in Veg.the feeding pump is running 24/7 and EC/PH are OK.I...