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  1. wisechillie

    3 Word Story

    big big trouble....
  2. wisechillie

    3 Word Story

    reppin that shit
  3. wisechillie

    3 Word Story

    limp small dicks
  4. wisechillie

    3 Word Story

    stab a stitch
  5. wisechillie

    3 Word Story

    with a briskit
  6. wisechillie

    Southern Hemisphere Growers (KIWI STYLES)

    Hey ammun! Sounds like your battling against a few things to get through your season! You sure know how to make me feel lucky to not have most of those issues (tough wood!) I have found the odd leaf with chomp marks and have squished a couple of bugs I've found lurking around the girls but...
  7. wisechillie

    Southern Hemisphere Growers (KIWI STYLES)

    Cheers dude, yeah gunna crank the nutes big time for the next 6 weeks or so. I gotta say i wish they could be getting more direct sunlight to tighten up the buds but hey you gotta work with what you have, anyone got any tips on increasing the amount of light around my babies without using heaps...
  8. wisechillie

    Southern Hemisphere Growers (KIWI STYLES)

    Have just popped up another thread and posted some new photos up! Please have a look see what you think, all photos are from this same grow and I may post future updates there so as to keep everything in the...
  9. wisechillie

    Outdoor New Zealand Bonzai Grow

    This is a Southern Hemisphere grow down in little ol New Zealand. I already started a thread "Southern Hemisphere Growers (KIWI STYLES)" but thought afterwards while browsing the forums i should add a link to it from here and also put the rest of my updates from here on in on this thread...
  10. wisechillie

    Southern Hemisphere Growers (KIWI STYLES)

    11th February 2012 Wow what a day of typing and reminiscing! It’s been awesome! Well here we are…. Today lol…. I have just been out to give the girls their first taste of their new food! Now what great chance to snap some fresh new shots for you! I haven’t done anything to the girls...
  11. wisechillie

    Southern Hemisphere Growers (KIWI STYLES)

    Just a quick update on things! These photos were taken just before and then the day after my big prune back for budding. As most of my plants are showing now (12 out of 15 confirmed females) and only one more male showing up since the last post, I think its time to start getting rid of...
  12. wisechillie

    Southern Hemisphere Growers (KIWI STYLES)

    Hey everyone! Hope this post isn’t dragging too much lol! I’m trying to fill it with info that might help people in a similar situation to me and enough photos for others that just want to perve at some outdoor kiwi bud! Since our last photo shoot I have been on a male ripping rampage...
  13. wisechillie

    Southern Hemisphere Growers (KIWI STYLES)

    Wassup everyone! So here we are! Since my last set of photos we’ve had a few things happen! How exciting!! I’m not sure how well you’ll be able to see these changes but ill do my best to show you with what I have! Two days after the last photos I had 3 plants start showing their sex! One of...
  14. wisechillie

    Southern Hemisphere Growers (KIWI STYLES)

    Hey all! Well it’s the 16th of January now and things are going strong! Our longest day of the year was almost a month ago but our sunlight hour have improved over the last week and a bit big time! We have had an unusually cloudy and rainy start to our summer here in NZ but this week things...
  15. wisechillie

    Southern Hemisphere Growers (KIWI STYLES)

    please feel free to post any comments its an open topic here :)
  16. wisechillie

    Southern Hemisphere Growers (KIWI STYLES)

    Wassup everyone! After a cup of tea and a bong or 3 we are into the New Year! It’s now the 8th of January 2012 and I left my babies in the care of a close mate while I went on my summer holiday and wow they have filled out beautifully! Before I left to go away I went and got some bamboo...
  17. wisechillie

    Southern Hemisphere Growers (KIWI STYLES)

    Hey all! It’s the 13th of December in these pictures (as you probably guessed by the title of my post) and I'm showing my babies first weeks growth in their new soil and in their new spot in the sun. A day or two last week after planting my babies I tipped all the plants I hadn’t tipped...
  18. wisechillie

    Southern Hemisphere Growers (KIWI STYLES)

    Hello all! How are we today? Well..... I've been looking online for quite a while now for somewhere for Kiwis (and Aussies I guess hahahaha) and those on the opposite side of the planet with opposite seasons to share some love and get some advice for their outdoor hobby! Now maybe...
  19. wisechillie

    Zambeza Seeds

    How'd you get on bro? i like the look of their site and got some tasty lookin' buds on there! I'm always skeptical they just pulled the pics off google images or something? keen as to give them a go... as soon as this lots pulled lol :leaf:all opinions expressed above are not my own but of...