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  1. S

    Lets talk AeroCloners

    Just go to A drug Store get the Brown bottles of Hydrogen Peroxide. put a 1/2 cup in 2-3 x a week. YOU MUST use either Bleach or H2O2 to get the white rootlets & ZERO algae. I adjust the Ph down the next day teh 35% Hydro Peroxide is costly. $35 a Quart & will give you a Chemical B U R N...
  2. S

    Lets talk AeroCloners

    Just be somewhat gentle ! I put em in NetPot & dump hydroton by teh 4" basketful, vibrate it AKA.. tap & shake to settle & in the Rails they go! had a few failure to THRIVE gurls, Oh Well, u do a few extra each run. Slag
  3. S

    Lets talk AeroCloners

    I had teh 15 timer & sprayers Areo Cloner, have switched to a 45 psi pump & true misting manifold. & BluePrit Cycling timer BCT-1. Love teh MIST! no mess. TO PREVENT tub lid LEAKING from the sprayers... keep them as low in tub as possible. if the spray is not hitting right at the lids crack ...
  4. S

    Lets talk AeroCloners

    Oh Yeah! have a dome!! they need less stress & having NO ROOTS, the leaves cannot transpire. Quickly dry out. I mist inside my dome in Am & only again in PM. (when I get home from work) a shot of rootx & superThrive & ph 'ed to 5.8 in my way. roots in 10 + days. I had teh 15 timer & sprayers...
  5. S

    stinkbud system vs 6: pipe

    I have used teh 5" square tubes from H depot for a while! bigger is bettter! more root zone, easier to clean. I make gasketed end caps that are removable. would sell some. Slag
  6. S

    Lets talk AeroCloners

    Lower the sprayer heads down! the spray needs to NOT hit right at the top crack/join of lid. no gaskets needed! Slag
  7. S

    Lets talk AeroCloners

    why does the roots grow into the black puck? not much on stem below? SLAG
  8. S

    Lets talk AeroCloners

    Very cool! Sweet to have some ppls joining in ! Made my aero cloner tub 2 yrs ago. works great , many happy gurls later. had some issues this winter!! loss a batch.:-( have decided that: (1 the 4 tube 10,000 lumens t5 lite is way too much!! (when I had a 1 bult 25 watt bulb, life was...
  9. S

    marijuana strains that makes you lough

    I have been all over this Giggle Pot thing this weekend. I remember doing it 20 yrs ago. Big Laugh seems to be the most mentioned. Sour Cindy C99 next mentioned. Short indoor bloom od 50 day. all the Cindy's are mentioned in the laughing your ass off catagory. Slag121
  10. S

    Giggle weed

    Come on people!!! I have had Giggle Pot a couple of times. friends also experienced the effect. just everything is too funny!:-) always sad when it was gonel in fact, that is JUST what I am searching around for tonight. Slag121
  11. S

    Short strains for lowlevel growing.

    greetings Stuck211, I recently built a bloom room, 3 rail 18 hole aeroponics system. a 2 rail Veg room, 24 hole. it seems to me that keeping your lights close, keeps the internodal lengths shorter. I have Veg a 400 wt on a light rail, sealed hood & vented with 6" Centrifical fan. tighter plants...
  12. S

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    Nick U ROCK!! I am so printing this & hanging on hte wall nearby. pix too. Wonderful. after all the books & forums, at last just layed out corectly. thank You, Slag
  13. S

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    OUTSTANDING piece of work, completely concise & right on pix.I can see my misdiagnose on every one. too think for weeks I thought I had OD'ed them. they are slow & stunted due to a LACk of everything! Next week will be a better one! Your The King of Correct! Slag