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  1. budworth

    is this organic soil nute burn?

    . I have been vegging plants for 4 weeks in organic soil-ie:canna cocoa, john innes no2, bat guano, blood fish and bone, epsom salts. During its veg it looked magnifico, but 1 month into flowering and i think it is displaying some kind of nute burn-(but i havent actually added any extra-just...
  2. budworth

    Blackstar 240W LED Dissected and Upgraded!

    Doh! Gotham Hydro just got back-$15 plus shipping-doh, it was so obvious- ordered 2 for when the next one blows-doh! I'm so sthupid..but also majorly boosted in a great way-thankyou FranJan.
  3. budworth

    Blackstar 240W LED Dissected and Upgraded!

    Hey FranJan thanks for that. The off the shelf idea sounds interesting as I do not have a warranty, I got it second hand from ebay-the seller has since "left", and so am unsure if they could help me, however I took your advice and dropped them an email, so fingers crossed on that one-I...
  4. budworth

    Blackstar 240W LED Dissected and Upgraded!

    Hi there, this is a question for meharmon or franjan or just about anyone with any knowledge on Blackstar led drivers. Well, after a few months of scratching my head on this one, I have finally discovered that one of the four 80-130v 630ma drivers in my BS 500 flower model has fried, and looking...
  5. budworth

    Blackstar 240W LED Dissected and Upgraded!

    Hi all, first time poster here but would love to see this thread re-opened. I've been running a '3' watt, (ahem), Blackstar 500 uv flower model and also had decent results, however at some point last week I was horrified to discover that one of the led's had exploded, effectively knocking out...