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  1. golosco

    New To This. Indoor Plant Help!

    just wondering why the males would ever be harmful to the females? what do they do?
  2. golosco

    Welcome New Members!

    hello!!! I've been smokiing on and off for about 7~8 years now and really want to get inside my Ganj. im extremelly interrested and excited to try my hand at growning my own pot, but i have never gotten past the germinating stage either because i forget about the shit, or i just get lazy or...
  3. golosco

    My Current set up: journal?

    wow this is so elaborate.... i am totally new at this. like legit, never been past germination. and i REALLY want to know more. I'll be trollin around this forum for a while ;P edit: VV, if you could and wouldnt mind sending me a message? you said you've only been at it a YEAR!? and you have...