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  1. B

    Contest: Worlds biggest loser

    im 26 years old i never had a real job still.....i did 4 years and 8 months in the Florida state penitentary for car thefts now i am scared if i leave the house that i might fuck up and go back i get out the house maybe 20 minutes a day max i stay on this bullshit website EVERY FUCKING DAY i...
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    it worked!

    damm thats shit is crazy and i bet some of our taxes went to this and it LOOKS EXPENSIVE but it reminds me of the startrek but i cant wait to here the updates on it
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    pretty funny to watch when you toke

    enjoy YouTube - spongebong hemppants-all 3 cartoons
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    pretty funny to watch when you toke

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    Odour killing lights

    get the fuck out of here when did they start making this
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    Depressing Story...No Grow for Me :-(

    bro thats not a good excuse not to grow bro when i was 16 i started to grow in my moms house with fluroscent ligths having no idea what i was doing and the smell overwhelmed the house but i didnt know what to do and i still grew them till i thougth the buds where big enough i never even knew you...
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    romulan diesel

    yo i had some of this a few months back i didnt grow it but i smoked a few bowls of it its some of the best reefer i smoked its a very stoney kind of high great for bedtime snack
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    low odor strains

    they have them on here but i never purchased them from this site Brainstorm | Dutch-passion-(feminized) Seeds | Sensible Seeds
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    Freestyle Typing

    walk your ass back over 8 mile BOYYYYEEEEE LOL schemetics....LOLLLLL
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    How is my plant looking for 6 weeks

    hey bro i heard they behead people over there for trafficking and your growing weed they will prolly hang you for that boyr looking nice tho keep up the good work
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    12/12 from seed stealth cab

    yea because i would not have noticed i just wanted to do lowryder cus its short but i totally forgot that its autoflower thax weedwhacker what do you guys think about just getting 2 150 watt cfls yall be the judge on this one whoever wants me to do it with 2 150watters or 10 32 watters
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    12/12 from seed stealth cab

    holy shit that means i cant grow both together i think i will just save the diesel ryder and instead use like 6 bagseed but its some nice bagseed tho so we will see how it works i just want to complete a whole 12/12 grow its just very intresting to me how they will mature
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    12/12 from seed stealth cab

    well i will be growing 2 diesel ryders and 3 bagseed rigth now i am designing ways to put my cfl to generate the most ligth as posiible througout the cab k now the dimesions on this cab are 15x30x24(deep,wide,tall) i AM GOING TO BE USING 10 32 WATT CFL 5COOL,5WARM IF I CAN GET THEM IN THE...
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    My First Grow with cfl's

    bro you stole dr chronics name from his website or his forums
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    Getting Close...47 Days Flowering

    very nice good luck dont try to have a snack to early from it i know it gets tempting
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    Munch Box Chompin Cotton Candy

    Discount Hydroponics - Block-IR there you go
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    Munch Box Chompin Cotton Candy

    bro you said it in thist post lol my fault man i didnt know but thank
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    Munch Box Chompin Cotton Candy

    hey whatsup munch box i like your thread but i see you live in the bay area as in tampa or as in san franisco and i want to grow a larger sum but there is always police helicopters flying around here like i see 2 or 3 a week so i am not sure of adding more hey have anyone seen the infared...
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    noob question

    k another question i got a plant rigth now and i accidently had light on it while the dark cycle........its pretty big i dont just wanna chop it down but can i do anything with it or no
  20. B

    noob question

    k so lets say i plant a seed rigth nowin two weeks i should know if it is male or female