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  1. R

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    My grow box is 2' square x 3' tall, and I realized I had a heat problem pretty quick. (This is my first grow). The box is in my garage that nobody goes in but me, but it also has windows so I have to hide the light from the box. The garage is fairly cool, so I have a couple of tarps draped over...
  2. R

    New old dude from PNW (Western WA)

    Hey, just a newb saying hi. I'm in the Puget Sound area and doing my first indoor grow. I haven't grown pot since the sixties, and that was outside in upstate NY. I didn't smoke pot from about 1973 until just a few years ago, and have gradually begun enjoying it again. I'm retired, and can't see...
  3. R

    The Best Nutrient for Aeroponics?

    Confirmed. The dick may have not benefited from the info provided, but I plan to. I'm in the late veg stage of my first grow with 2 plants: scrog under compact fluorescents; potting soil; weak Miracle Grow. I know it's not optimal but I needed to break through the inertia of Researching Forever...