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    Gnats and fan leaf problems

    you might try Gnatrol WDG its organic and wont hurt you or your plants. you can get it online at Amazon. Its fairly cheap
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    whats wrong here?

    my plants leave are curling down at the tips. I gave them a dose of Gnatrol WDG thinking it might be fungal gnats but that didn't seem to help much. The leaves straightened out some but still are curliing at the tips. any clues. I have been growing for 6 years now and I haven't changed anything...
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    Gnats everywhere

    oh by the way they are called fungal gnats. they come from the soil when it has not been properly composted. the lava eat off the rotting pieces of wood chips that are in the compost. go on the net and google them you will learn everything there is to know about them.
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    Gnats everywhere

    1" of sand is best as they can't get through it to lay thier eggs, each gnat lays about 100 eggs. the larva attach them selves to the roots of the plant which weakens them and can kill them. you will also get mold on the leaves which spreads with time and can over come your plants.
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    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    whats the temp in the room? should be between 70 and 80
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    fuckin spider mites

    ok you don't want to spray or bomb your area or plants. spider mites have their own prediters which you can get through a nursery or your suppliers were you buy your lights. what I do is buy the prediters just before i go turn back the lights for budding i interduce the prediters. they will...
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    cocoons maybe webs? ABOUT TO TOSS MY PLANTS!!!!

    not sure but it sounds to me like you have spider mites. if you have a hydrofonic shop call them and see if they sell spider mite preditors. thats your only hope if its spider mites. anaconda