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    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    The Hippy, and GB123, I am calling you guys out for being a couple of assholes, you wanna put people down eh, well I'll say that I think that the two of you are pieces of shit. Why don't you two go to another thread if you don't like what is going on with the MMPR LP system? We really don't...
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    Attitude Black Friday

    The Attitude Seedbank is awesome, they have treated me excellent for years on several orders, I found this thread to specifically say this. They just resent me an order that didn't make it the first try, and let me tell you all, I could not be happier. It did take a bit longer to get the...
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    Greenhouse Lemon Skunk - Your Thoughts?

    The one I selected out of a pack is fantastic, incredibly potent with an intense lemon flavour. Thanks GH seeds!
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    Dr.Kamermans Charged and Arrested...

    The people that had Dr. K sign for them in NS are now having their licenses revoked prematurely, they have I think 8 days left to destroy their crops and stashes according to the papers some received today in the mail. Health Canada sent Dr. K's Nova Scotia patients a letter at the start of...