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  1. S

    should i cut her?

    thanks bro, i wont get nothing more than a half oz., but i saved her life
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    should i cut her?

    I saved this purple urkle plant that was about two weeks into flower now its about ready but i dont have a scope to me she looks done so im gonna pull her with in the next few days. she already finished stretching when i got her, so shes not the biggest of plants but none the less its just...
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    No I dont have the the flora nova grow, I didnt use anything use during veg just water. But im using the floranova bloom right not for flowering right now and want to add the shultz which is a 10-15-10
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    Im using GH floranova bloom, do tou think I can add some schultz plant food with it? Its 10-15-10 and the floranova is 4-8-7. Im noticing my plants are staring to get a little lighter in green and I know its a deficiency issue could it be not enough nutes? There only on the 2 week of flower. Any...
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    Help! Please!

    Thanks for the help OldSchool, but they are fungus gnats, they look like fruit flies.
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    Help! Please!

    I got an infestation of fungus gnats, I just got some sticky tape a week ago and it helped but not alot. The gnats are just chillin by the trunks of my girls, especially the Larry OG. shes starting to show some lighter lime green on her new growth and some other leaves. I know I should get some...
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    Quick question

    My plants are coming to the end of their first week of flower. I noticed some of the new leaves are growing an extra leaflet, that overlaps the stem of the leaf. Is this a defficiency? Or is it just a strain thing? I got them from clone, there bubba kush, dog shit,larry og
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    I dont really know, its definately an indica cause the leaves are fat as fuck and block the lower foliage but it stinks in veg already.
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    Anybody ever run this strain before? Or smoked it before? I picked up a cutting from a local dispensary here in northern california. Any info would be great thanks.
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    Quick nute question

    Thank you so much,i will look into mollasses as well, I have some "Briar "I believe is the brand it has a rabbit on it, its unsulphered as well but ill invest on some blackstrap
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    Quick nute question

    Thats what I was thinking, but I havent given them any nutes during veg. Just pure water and the stuff in the fox farm ocean mix. The guy at my local hydro store recommended the flora nova bloom for flower, has anybody have any luck with this product?
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    Quick nute question

    On monday im about to start flowering my 3 girls and Ive been vegging them for almost 4 weeks now. I have not given them any nutes for veg but I plan on using general hydroponics flora nova bloom 4-8-7. Would it be ok to give them the nutes on their first day I put them on flower (which is...
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    Question about flipping

    I have walk in closet with a window in it and thats where my a/c is at. I have a humidifier a fan and all the bells amd whistles in my set up its just I dont have enough plants at the moment but im not worried about electricity thats why I have the 1000 watt
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    Question about flipping

    Well Im not that limited on space its just im not using right
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    Question about flipping

    There actually grow bags and there small casuse im limited on space. They are recovered already and starting to take off its just, I want to put two more plants in my room to fill in this extra space but dont want these plants I have to get too big and have to transplant them and there goes my...
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    Question about flipping

    I just read over my first post and it didnt make sense probaby cause I was too medicated and didnt read it but if yoi have questions I will ask.
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    Question about flipping

    Larry og is over a foot and the dog shit and the bubba are nearing a foot. The larry has been vegging longer though. I just want to know how long I can veg in the 3 gallon grow bag so it wont become rootbound during flower.
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    Question about flipping

    Im running: Dogshit Bubba kush Larry og
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    Question about flipping

    I got 3 plants in 3 gallon grow bags under a 1000watt hps. 2 of the plants I got a week ago in party cups and transplanted them in the 3 gallon grow bags immediately. The third plant I got a couple weeks before and had my friend veg it at his houe. I got it back and its transplanted in a 3...