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  1. Nosferatu92

    Curing while hanging, never jarring buds..

    Ok I guess I typed this kind of misleading. Look at it like this, you can immediately trim all leaves and then the bud will dry to ~65RH in like 3-7 days or so, then you slow dry(cure) in jars for 2-4 weeks before the bud is considered smoke-able Isn't this reaching the same goal as just...
  2. Nosferatu92

    Curing while hanging, never jarring buds..

    No it can be done what I am saying is if you are lucky enough to have a sealed room you can recreate the perfect curing conditions that would be in the jar but it's on the whole room. Keeping the sugar leaves and stems on the bud is the final buffer of moisture you need for this method. For...
  3. Nosferatu92

    Curing while hanging, never jarring buds..

    So this method of drying and curing is one I have yet to come across on this website. Maybe I'm wrong but I'll share it anyways. With this method you would leave the plants hanging for months and cut the buds as you smoke or sell them. Step 1: You need a controlled drying area with 50%...
  4. Nosferatu92

    Organic Querkle, Day 60, What do you think, ready?

    Wow looks alot like mine, I'm at day 67 today. I decided to do 72hrs darkness stating today and no more water of course. I looked at them yesterday and to me they suddenly just looked ready. So in the days they should be beautiful They are definitely purpling too like you say, luckily its...
  5. Nosferatu92

    Organic Querkle, Day 60, What do you think, ready?

    Oh and yeild wise honestly it's looking like 2-4 ounces only, yet these buds are denser than anything I have grown so I could be way off
  6. Nosferatu92

    Organic Querkle, Day 60, What do you think, ready?

    Dude this is a 3.5x3.5 foot tent with a 250w cooltube, so these two plants are pretty crowded. I did have to basically choose which buds are gonna get the most light so this setup is very non ideal yet it goes to show you don't need much to grow good buds. I know my buds only look this good...
  7. Nosferatu92

    Organic Querkle, Day 60, What do you think, ready?

    Ya well I don't see any amber yet so I think I'm good, just a few more days,I really want to get that perfect ripeness.
  8. Nosferatu92

    Organic Querkle, Day 60, What do you think, ready?

    Yeah I'm definitely waiting another week or so come to think of it, I see no progress the last 3 days ut the leaves are getting more yellow. And Pheno 1 looks pretty ready on top at least. Thanks for the prupling tip man, try and post that photo again it's not working. I think about 1 week and...
  9. Nosferatu92

    Organic Querkle, Day 60, What do you think, ready?

    Yeah I'm definitely waiting another week or so come to think of it. But Pheno 1 looks pretty ready on top at least. Thanks for the purpling tip man, try and post that photo again it's not working.
  10. Nosferatu92

    Organic Querkle, Day 60, What do you think, ready?

    Sorry about the lights on photos but heres some more photos? Few more days to go wouldnt you say, there's still alot of white hairs...
  11. Nosferatu92

    Organic Querkle, Day 60, What do you think, ready?

    Yeah I heard Jillybean is awesome as well but good to know. I'm looking for a my next strain to grow that is a good all day social strain that won't knock you out but still relax you. I know what you mean about the strains that feel like they give you pycosis, I just had that today in public...
  12. Nosferatu92

    Is it worth it to seal a room this size?

    Growing indoors with the passive intakes and inline fans and all just seems to get so dusty and stuffy no matter what. I feel Like its impossible to keep up with the dust filters and what not. I feel a closed room can be so less inconspicuous and cleaner. I would be using 2 600 watts most...
  13. Nosferatu92

    The Obama Administration On Colorad&Wash

    Obama cant be for the legalization of weed because he is the first black president, plain and simple.
  14. Nosferatu92

    Is it worth it to seal a room this size?

    I have a walk in closet that has another walk in closet behind it with a door between the two. So basically its two 4x6 closets connected like traincars. I could have one be the flower and one the veg, but i wanted to do a sealed room this time instead of all the ventilation and ducting. Is...
  15. Nosferatu92

    Organic Querkle, Day 60, What do you think, ready?

    Thanks guys! I think I will wait 3 days or so just to let them plump up. At least that way I can taste some that is almost dry before the world ends. Have you grown any other TGA strains Shmarmpit? I'm thinking to do Vortex next, And I will possibly have a sealed room and 600W lights. I'm...
  16. Nosferatu92

    Organic Querkle, Day 60, What do you think, ready?

    I used subcools supersoil and I am pretty happy with the results of my fist indoor grow. Done in small tent with 250 watt HPS. Pheno 1: Short purple grape phenotype, seems to be a little ahead of plant number 2, definately more indica Purple Urkle Dom. Pheno 2: Sativa Dominate taller...
  17. Nosferatu92

    How to use supersoil when going 12/12 from seed?

    Nice grow! The pic of the tent with the short plants is like my setup exactly. I am going for the same thing also. What strains were those?
  18. Nosferatu92

    How to use supersoil when going 12/12 from seed?

    SO how tall about do yours grow from 12/12? I know it depends on a few factors but I don't want to LST or anything, just grow a few big colas.
  19. Nosferatu92

    How to use supersoil when going 12/12 from seed?

    Oh so should I put the sprouted seedling strait into the 7 gals then? The only reason I would use a smaller container first is because I once heard it's better to make a rootball at first for some reason..
  20. Nosferatu92

    How to use supersoil when going 12/12 from seed?

    Oh my god you genius! Why didn't I think of that. Ok it's on. That solves my issues of not having room for another tent. I think I wanna start a journal this time round.