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  1. B

    Coco + Hempy + Smart Pot + DWC All An One :-)

    How did this turn out? Should have harvested by now.
  2. B

    Rockwool and PH i just can't get it to saty steady???????? WHY WHY WHY

    I've never gotten a good answer for the phenomenon. Small blocks always have a ph stability problem. Once I put plants onto slabs the ph stays pretty level, but they're also getting watered periodically by a drip system rather than by hand. I thought it might be a result of the moisture level...
  3. B

    Rockwool continuous drip?

    Roots being "too wet" is only an issue if your water doesn't have enough dissolved oxygen (DWC proves this). What problems are you having exactly?
  4. B

    Rockwool continuous drip?

    Perhaps some of the more experienced growers could answer this one: If I have rockwool slabs in dutch trays that drain into a well aerated reservoir (two 6 inch air stones in a 20 gal reservoir), is there any reason why I can't run the drip system continuously as a sort of hybrid between NFT...