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  1. 420Ginger

    First real grow! Stealth computer desk cfl grow

    Hey everyone, I tried growing in a pc a while back but I transplanted like a noob nd killed my baby... Now is the week I started my new grow I will how pic later it's approx. 1 for wide about 1 foot deep nd 2 or 3 feet high. I lined it in Mylar placed 3 lights in it and added a few computer...
  2. 420Ginger

    PC stealth grow -Pineapple Express- First attemp/ triumph?

    k so after my last pc fail i recieved my seeds and sprouted my lil girl today she is an inch tall and I am jst so excite to see what happens :p follow if u want pics and shtuff ;)
  3. 420Ginger

    First Grow Ever! PC Stealth

    LADDDIEEESSS AND GENTTTTLEMEN from alll ages today is the day my shiat finallly arrived and I am prouddddd to present that i am finnally going to be able to grow some sexy as PINEAPPLE EXPRESS FOR all of YALL :) i have a video of my opening from attitude seeds that i got after like 14 days :)...
  4. 420Ginger

    First Grow Ever! PC Stealth

    not at all anymore because apparently they weren't my weed :( epic sad face man lol i am recieving my seeds soon enough though so i will be able to continue my grow and i also have soil now :) .. i was planning on vegging my pineapple express until i cant veg anymore in my little pc lol or until...
  5. 420Ginger

    First Grow Ever! PC Stealth

    UPDATEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:: here are my supposed sprouts :p anyone know if they are for sure my weed? kk their are my lovely ladies (hopefully) now tell me if they are legit or not! :p
  6. 420Ginger

    First Grow Ever! PC Stealth

    haha exactly what i doing :p haha i might also do a lil scroging in their :p jst to try and get the largest yield possible ... turns out 3 of my seedling :p i think sprouted but idk if they are actually my plant :p jst cuz their small and dont have the same looking leaves haha ill upload a pic...
  7. 420Ginger

    First Grow Ever! PC Stealth

    ya i tried everything its older so the rivets are actually well done haha so i took out te drives and jst left the drive bay :p haha but it works good to hold stash of jst hold the wires haha
  8. 420Ginger

    First Grow Ever! PC Stealth

    haha Ya :p if i get really into it and don't need to be all stealthy ill defs think about it man, in the meantime it's all about jerry-rigging :p haha
  9. 420Ginger

    First Grow Ever! PC Stealth

    ya i might get a ride sometime nd buy some real soil nd better lights max 50 bucks tho :p
  10. 420Ginger

    First Grow Ever! PC Stealth

    same as the rest 3 soft white 23watt 2700k cfls :p i cant really go buy em in my small ass town :p
  11. 420Ginger

    First Grow Ever! PC Stealth

    hey i think i got the temp issues resolved when i added another cfl :p
  12. 420Ginger

    First Grow Ever! PC Stealth

    ya that why if i showed u now i think itd have more space the only thing i couldnt get out was the dvd drive because the drill was loud enough the first time but the second time i was just like nooooopeee :p
  13. 420Ginger

    First Grow Ever! PC Stealth

    UPDATE: V2 for the day :p k so i added the 3rd cfl lamp thing after like 20 minutes of drilling and wiring and re taping and taping up hole i stabbed :p haha.... Right away i could feel the temp raise so hopesfully it'll grow me some babies before i get my bought seeds :p
  14. 420Ginger

    The BOMB grow spot!

    OMG! that is sick man i've only been as far as mexico and was thinking of moving somewhere sunny and fun all i'd need to do is find a job their :p is their any good ways to make money their?
  15. 420Ginger

    hey do u have any idea of what type of light would raise the temps in my pc grow case? im asking...

    hey do u have any idea of what type of light would raise the temps in my pc grow case? im asking cuz ur online and i have like 30 minutes to add another light so i'm not sure if a cfl or a small floodlight that are used in lamps (gets HOT) or one of the old incandescent lights(gets hot ish) thnx...
  16. 420Ginger

    First Grow Ever! PC Stealth

    i unfortunately cant take the temps right now because i don't have a thermometer i can find :p but judging from where my plant is right now it is about 20 Celsius on the dirt and it is drying once or twice a day so its pre good ... once my bday hits i am ordering some seeds from attitude :) also...
  17. 420Ginger

    First Grow Ever! PC Stealth

    As Promise here are the pics of my box and grow so far :) the first is of my box with it in place and on the second is when it is out and off the third is of is on 4th is of it on i believe :p and the last one is of the side.. it is amazing how stealthy this thing is only problem im having...
  18. 420Ginger

    Stealth PC Grow W/DIY 54w LED Panel - Bag Seed

    thats a sick box man, I too am doing (trying to) a pc box grow for outdoor season and also in canada :p hoping to find a site to ship seeds inconspicuously /stealthy .. my bagseed didn't work i dont think.. how long did u have to germinate for?
  19. 420Ginger

    First Grow Ever! PC Stealth

    UPDATE: Just spent the past 2 1/2 hours prying through metal and re-mylaring (mylaring? :p) my pc grow so now i have 7/8 of the space the only thing i couldn't get out was the dvd and cd rom holder cuz it's built in. I then took off the front and taped/cardboarded everything so now even with my...
  20. 420Ginger

    First Grow Ever! PC Stealth

    hey everyone, im new to growing and after a year of research and then 6 month of boredom i decided to start my very own Stealth PC Grow with some bagseed my friend gave me. I am currently trying my shot at germinating the 3 seeds and so hopefully atleast one will sprout tonight or tommorrow...